Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Care"s
Il significato di "Care" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa I went out and took care of his business for him.?
it means he went to that place (where he works or stuff) and did his job for him(handled his work there).
Che cosa significa take care in ?
it means they will have to be careful in the measures they take so as not to cause harm to the economy .
Che cosa significa community-based care is sparse on details for now?
Community-based care details is very few :)
Che cosa significa see if i care?
see if I care = I don't care
"See if I care" is a snarky way to say "I don't care".
"See if I care" is a snarky way to say "I don't care".
Che cosa significa "take care for work"
She said that when I said " Im going to work".
Does it mean to finish the conversation?
She said that when I said " Im going to work".
Does it mean to finish the conversation?
I’m a little confused by the context but “take care” is generally a type of “goodbye”
But typically it’s just “take care” by itself
But typically it’s just “take care” by itself
Frasi esempio "Care"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con to take care of.
“I have a pile of work to take care of” makes sense👍🏻 and “I had to take care of my dogs” makes sense but the last part “when I kept animals” messes up the sentence. You could say something like “When I used to have dogs, I had to take care of them.”
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con care with something.
Do you mean "with care"? The postman handled the package with care. The mother held her baby with care.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Thank you for taking care of our children..
This is already a complete sentence.
Thank you for taking care of our children while my wife and I went to see the Takarazuka theatre.
Thank you for taking care of our children every Thursday night.
Thank you for taking care of our children while we perform on the trapeze at the circus.
Thank you for taking care of our children while my wife and I went to see the Takarazuka theatre.
Thank you for taking care of our children every Thursday night.
Thank you for taking care of our children while we perform on the trapeze at the circus.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Would you care for a.
1. Would you care for a drink?
2. Would you care for a seat?
2. Would you care for a seat?
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con take care about.
Take care of my dog while I'm on a vacation. = Feed and give me dog water.
See you later, take care. = Saying goodbye and wishing my friend to keep himself safe and healthy(気をつけて).
See you later, take care. = Saying goodbye and wishing my friend to keep himself safe and healthy(気をつけて).
Parole simili a "Care" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra care for e care about e care of ?
Care for is usually used when pertaining to a person
ex. I care for her.
Care about is used when talking about stuff like happenings, idea, or feelings.
ex. She doesn't care about her studies.
Care of is used when taking care of someone or attending someone's need.
ex. Mother took care of me when I was still a child.
ex. I care for her.
Care about is used when talking about stuff like happenings, idea, or feelings.
ex. She doesn't care about her studies.
Care of is used when taking care of someone or attending someone's need.
ex. Mother took care of me when I was still a child.
Qual è la differenza tra care for e care about ?
Yes, it does. This is generally considered sort of indirect or poetic, though, and it means that you romantically like that person.
“I care about you” instead means that you have feelings of concern or protection for the person. (A mother cares about her children, for example.)
“I care about you” instead means that you have feelings of concern or protection for the person. (A mother cares about her children, for example.)
Qual è la differenza tra take care, look after and watch over e take care, look after and watch over ?
they are similar, you can usually use them for the same thing.
i take care of my son
i look after my son.
i watch over my son
i take care of my son
i look after my son.
i watch over my son
Qual è la differenza tra care e bother ?
Why do you even care, anyway?
Stop bothering the customers. Get out of here!
A: Should I get you something from the store on my way back?
B: Don't bother. I won't be hanging around here by then, anyway.
If you start caring about every dumb little comment someone makes, you'll never stay sane in this world.
Did that comment really bother you? Why? Don't take things so close to heart.
Stop bothering the customers. Get out of here!
A: Should I get you something from the store on my way back?
B: Don't bother. I won't be hanging around here by then, anyway.
If you start caring about every dumb little comment someone makes, you'll never stay sane in this world.
Did that comment really bother you? Why? Don't take things so close to heart.
Qual è la differenza tra The care of interior demands an obsessive habit of thought. e Caring about interior demands an obsessive habit of thought. ?
Both are correct is you add « the » before « interior. »
Traduzionde di "Care"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? I hope you continue to take care of me in the subsequent course.
The tutor I had for the previous course took very good care of me. I would like to request that tutor for my next course as well.
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? Who cares?
Who does care?
Which one is natural? Or are both natural?
Who does care?
Which one is natural? Or are both natural?
Both are good, but who cares is more commonly used.
It does sound a little harsch though.
It does sound a little harsch though.
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)?
After leaving, I can't take care of you any more.
Is it correct?
After leaving, I can't take care of you any more.
Is it correct?
It is indeed correct.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? In particular, care should be taken not to perform main function. I kind of getting its meaning, but the fact that 'care' was used as a subjective really confuses me. Can you specify its meaning and give some other examples using 'care'?
The sentence is in "passive voice"
Active: A should give care to B.
Subject (A) + verb (give) + object (care).
Passive: Care should be given...(by A).
Object (care) + verb (give)
Can you answer my question?
Active: A should give care to B.
Subject (A) + verb (give) + object (care).
Passive: Care should be given...(by A).
Object (care) + verb (give)
Can you answer my question?
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? If you are taking care of baby at home
You will realize that how simple your life got changed compared to your life in office .
does it sound natural
You will realize that how simple your life got changed compared to your life in office .
does it sound natural
If you are taking care of a baby at home, you will realize how simple your life can be compared to your life working in the office.
Altre domande riguardo "Care"
When I don’t care anyone, it’s the most free time I’ve ever been. sembra naturale?
Hmm, I've searched for both "freeing feeling" and "free feeling" on Twitter and have found that people use both, so my answer is that "free feeling" sounds natural too.
"free time" is still not correct for your sentence though. The word should be "free feeling".
Hmm, I've searched for both "freeing feeling" and "free feeling" on Twitter and have found that people use both, so my answer is that "free feeling" sounds natural too.
"free time" is still not correct for your sentence though. The word should be "free feeling".
Thank you for taking care of my daughter. sembra naturale?
Perfectly natural
Take care not to cut your nails too short.
What is the part of speech of “short”?
What is the part of speech of “short”?
I think "short" in the sentences is used as an "adjective".
He needs taking care of. sembra naturale?
It means “he can’t take care of himself, so someone else has to take care of him.”
I need to take care of my yard while my kids are at kindergarten.
Now that winter is coming, I have to protect the branches of the trees in my yard from breaking under the weight of the snow.
Is there a mistake in this statement?
My (yard/garden) has no flowers, just a lawn and a few trees.
The area is not very large.
In this case, should I use Yard or Garden?
Also, what is the difference between Children and Kids?
Now that winter is coming, I have to protect the branches of the trees in my yard from breaking under the weight of the snow.
Is there a mistake in this statement?
My (yard/garden) has no flowers, just a lawn and a few trees.
The area is not very large.
In this case, should I use Yard or Garden?
Also, what is the difference between Children and Kids?
I would say "yard". In the U.S., we usually use "garden" for a small cultivated area with lots of decorative plants (like flowers) or edible plants (like vegetables). That might be different in the U.K., though.
There's no difference in meaning between "children" and "kids". "Kids" is just a little more informal. "Childrens" is incorrect; "children" is already plural (for example, "one child" and "two children").
The rest of your sentences are great. The only suggestion I would make is to write "have to" instead of "hafta". Writing "hafta" is okay in some (very informal) contexts, but it's pretty uncommon and writing "have to" is usually better.
There's no difference in meaning between "children" and "kids". "Kids" is just a little more informal. "Childrens" is incorrect; "children" is already plural (for example, "one child" and "two children").
The rest of your sentences are great. The only suggestion I would make is to write "have to" instead of "hafta". Writing "hafta" is okay in some (very informal) contexts, but it's pretty uncommon and writing "have to" is usually better.
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