Categoria:Verbi transitivi in inglese
Pagine nella categoria "Verbi transitivi in inglese"
Questa categoria contiene le 200 pagine indicate di seguito, su un totale di 854.
(pagina precedente) (pagina successiva)A
- abandon
- abase
- abash
- abate
- abdicate
- abduce
- abduct
- abide
- abject
- abjure
- abnegate
- abominate
- abrogate
- abuse
- accelerate
- accent
- accredit
- accuse
- achieve
- acknowledge
- acquaint
- activate
- actualize
- acuminate
- adapt
- add
- addle
- address
- adjure
- administrate
- admire
- admit
- admonish
- adopt
- adore
- advocate
- afflict
- affront
- age
- aggravate
- agitate
- agonise
- aid
- air
- alert
- alienate
- align
- allege
- allot
- allow
- alter
- amaze
- ameliorate
- analyze
- annex
- announce
- annoy
- annul
- answer
- anticipate
- append
- arch
- archive
- arrest
- articulate
- ascend
- asperse
- asphalt
- assist
- assume
- attack
- attend
- audit
- authorize
- await
- awake
- backdate
- bail
- balance
- bark
- barricade
- barrier
- bathe
- bear
- bedaub
- beep
- befall
- befuddle
- beget
- beggar
- behead
- behold
- behoove
- behove
- believe
- besiege
- bewitch
- bias
- bide
- bite
- bleed
- blink
- blow
- boil
- bolt
- bond
- border
- bore
- borrow
- box
- bran
- brandy
- bread
- break
- breast
- brew
- bridge
- bring
- bring about
- broadcast
- bronze
- bruise
- buffalo
- bugger off
- build
- bulwark
- bundle
- burst
- bury
- butter
- buy
- buzz
- cake
- call on
- calm
- can
- carry
- carry on
- carry out
- cause
- center
- centrifuge
- certify
- chalk
- change
- characterize
- chasten
- chastise
- cheat
- cheek
- cheer
- cheese
- cherish
- chew
- chloroform
- chomp
- chopper
- chorus
- christen
- chrome
- cinder
- circulate
- clash
- claw
- clean
- cleanse
- clear
- clear up
- click
- climb
- clip
- clod
- close
- clot
- clout
- cloy
- clutter
- coagulate
- coal
- cocoon
- coffin
- coin
- collect
- combine
- come across
- come by
- come out with
- come up with
- command
- commemorate
- communicate
- compact
- compensate
- complicate
- compose
- comprehend
- compromise
- compute
- conceal
- conclude