Pink is a pale red color that is named after a flower of the same name. It was first used as a color name in the late 17th century. According to surveys, pink is the color most often associated with charm, politeness, sensitivity, tenderness, sweetness, childhood, femininity and the romantic. It is associated with chastity and innocence when combined with white, but associated with eroticism and seduction when combined with purple or black. Pink is sometimes associated with extravagance and a wish to be noticed. Orange is the color between yellow and red on the spectrum of visible light. Human eyes perceive orange when observing light with a dominant wavelength between roughly 585 and 620 nanometres. In painting and traditional color theory, it is a secondary color of pigments, created by mixing yellow and red. It is named after the fruit of the same name. The orange color of carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, oranges, and many other fruits and vegetables comes from carotenes, a type of photosynthetic pigment. These pigments convert the light energy that the plants absorb from the sun into chemical energy for the plant growth. Surveys show that orange is the color most associated with amusement, the unconventional, extroverts, warmth, fire, energy, activity, danger, taste and aroma, Protestantism, the autumn and Halloween seasons, as well as having long been the national color of the Netherlands and the House of Orange. In Asia it is an important symbolic color of Buddhism and Hinduism.
400 Pins
This Russian Artist Dresses Herself And Her Models In Surreal And Weird Costumes Made Out Of Vegetables, Fruits And Plants (74 Pics)