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How to respond to a person who dismisses or invalidates your experiences, feelings, or boundaries.
Over-explaining your boundaries, choices, feelings, or even a chronic illness to a friend, family member, or partner who purposely invalidates you and is committed to misunderstanding you, can be hurtful and harmful. It can be exhausting, and you may feel invalidated and dismissed. Trying to change the other person is not the best action to rely on, as they may not change. Instead, it’s about changing how you respond. Consistently training your mindset to think and react differently can bring healing and help you realize your worth isn’t based on others' acceptance or understanding. Follow for more tips on how to deal with issues like this.
Heartfelt Love And Life Quotes: Your feelings are valid.
Feelings need to be acknowledged and understood as they arise. The energy used or restrained accordingly. This is what separates the primitive from the civilized.