Ocean (school) Project

School project - Ocean /Beach/Creatures
85 Pins
Crab Headband Craft Kit - Makes 12 | Oriental Trading
Crab Headband Craft Kit - OrientalTrading.com
Preschool Ocean Theme Activities
Pre-K & Preschool theme ideas for learning about ocean animals. Find more Ocean Activities for Pre-K on the category page. Books Click here for a complete list of books about Ocean Animals! Crab Walk {Large Motor} Children crawl like a crab from one point to another. After children have had some practice, have them figure out …
OCEAN Creatures in Children's Art + FREEBIE Mp3
Ocean Themed Ideas and Projects for Children: Ocean bulletin boards, Ocean artwork, Ocean Anchor Charts, Ocean collaborative projects at RainbowsWithinReach
Oceans of Fun
This is adorable. Handprint art to go with many sea animals. Mrs. Vento's Kindergarten: Oceans of Fun
Ocean Books for Little Learners - Pocket of Preschool
HUGE ocean book list my preschool & pre-k students love and we love reading at circle time. #oceanbooks #preschool #prek #oceantheme
Top 12 Ocean Books
Here are twelve of our favorite ocean books. Do you have a favorite one that is not on the list?