penteado anos 50

12 Pins
Peinado Pin Up | Fácil y Rápido
¡Hola amores! 🤗 Recibí solicitudes de estilos fáciles para todos los días que tomen poquito tiempo. Quería compartirles este estilo es súper fácil y bueno una bufanda hace que todo se vea bello (por lo menos es mi teoría 😁💁). Espero que lo disfrutes y lo encuentres útil ❤️ Products/Productos✨. Hairspray/Fijador ✨ @tresemme Climate Protection Serum/Suero ✨ @sallybeauty Ion Day Two Solutions “Style Extend Serum” Scarf/Bufanda ✨ @retrosunnies
EASY Victory Rolls | Rollos Vintage FACIL
#Pressplay 🎬 "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." One of my all time favorite quotes from #EllaFitzgerald ♥️. . . . "Simplemente no te rindas tratando de hacer lo que realmente quieres hacer. Donde hay amor e inspiración, no creo que puedas equivocarte". Una de mis frases favoritas de #EllaFitzgerald ♥️.
Halloween Inspiration: Retro Hair Tutorial Round-up
Hey everyone! So if you've been following along with our life at all then you know that little baby girl is well past her due date and not showing any major signs of wanting to change that! I've had lots of signs that things are progressing normally, but overall it's all quiet on the home front:| That being said, costumes have pretty much taken a back seat for Martin and I this year, and so if I'm not sitting home with a newborn on Halloween, than I'll have to come up with something pretty last minute. That's where this round-up comes in! 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 I know that for whatever reason, there are tons of ladies out there like me who haven't had the time to think of any type of costume for themselves yet this year, and also since I've been getting
1960's Hair Tutorial Tutorial | Peinado de los años 60 💫💕
✨ You know I love me a beautiful #60s hairstyle 💁♀️ especially because they are so wearable for everyday. Since I received some questions regarding how I create my go-to #1960s #PriscillaPresley inspired hairstyle here is a throwback to one of my favorite videos. ✨ Straightening Iron/Alisador de Cabello ✨ Heat Protectant/Protector Contra Calor ✨ Hairspray/Fijador #vintagestyle #estilovintage #retristyle #60style
Easy rockabilly hair style with a bouffant and head scarf.:: Rockabilly Hair:: Pin Up Hair:: Retro Hairstyles:: Rockabilly Hair How To
Quick and easy hairstyle | Peinado rápido y fácil | Vintage Style
🎞 Hi lovelies! 🤗 Yesterday I had to run out the door but my hair was still damp so I came up with this super quick and easy hairstyle 💁 . . . . . ¡Hola amores! 🤗 Ayer tuve que salir corriendo de la casa, pero mi cabello todavía estaba húmedo, así que me hice este peinado que es súper fácil y rápido 💁♀️. ¡¡Espero que le sea útil!! ❤️ Hairspray/Fijador Vitae Hat/Gorra thrift find/tienda de segunda mano #peinado #hairstyle #vintagestyle #estilovintage #easytutorial
Easy Pinup Updo with Scarf | Penado Pinup con Bufanda