
10 Pins
Markerless motion capture hits the UK
Markerless motion capture hits the UK | Revolutionary system set to change mocap forever, and TechRadar has seen it first-hand Buying advice from the leading technology site
locomotion prototyping - mocap and keyframe
Rough captures of some fidelity tests mixing mocap and keyframed sequences for game locomotion. Keyframed jump/settle and move-to-stop transitions; run/walk cycles are mocap.
Motion capture app for Autodesk Maya and iPhone/iPad. MocapX opens the full capability of the iPhone True Depth camera and brings the unique experience of facial motion capture seamlessly to Maya. With the MocapX animator, you can easily use the iPhone camera to animate characters in real time directly in Maya. MocapX tools enable you to use any custom or production rig as well as any Maya feature.
Motion Capture Animation Sequence (Autodesk Motionbuilder)
Motion Capture Animation Sequence (Autodesk Motionbuilder)
MocapX 2.0 update – local mocap data save, new trial option, and updated Maya plugin! - Facial motion capture app for iPhoneX-
facial motion capture maya plugin
Learn: Maya HIK Custom Rig Motion Capture Retargeting and Animation in 1 minute - Rigging Dojo
Olcay MANCILIKCILAR Character Animation Demo Reel 2013
Olcay MANCILIKCILAR Character Animation Demo Reel 2013 on Vimeo