Australian botanical

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Australian Wild flower: Isopogon latifolius No English name
Australian Wild flower: Isopogon latifolius No English name
Scented Sun Orchid (Thelymitra macrophylla)
Scented Sun-orchid [Thelymitra macrophylla] - Thelymitra is one of the terrestrial orchids known as 'Sun-orchids' because of their habit of only opening the flowers on sunny day, closing when cloudy or cold. This one is growing in the Stirling Ranges National Park, Western Australia - Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Thelymitra variegata, pulcherrima, speciosa – Queen of Sheba | Orchids of South-west Australia
Thelymitra variegata, pulcherrima, speciosa – Queen of Sheba | Orchids of South-west Australia
Western Australian Native Orchids — Jak and Corinne
Western Australian Native Orchids — Jak and Corinne
Pheladenia – Blue Fairy Orchid | Orchids of South-west Australia
Pheladenia – Blue Fairy Orchid | Orchids of South-west Australia