
50 Pins
What Does the Bible Say About Seasons in Your Life?
What does the Bible say about seasons in your life? These 10 Bible verses about seasons in your life will offer clarity.
How Every Christian Woman Can Thrive In Each Of Their Seasons With God
Biblical encouragement and Christian lifestyle advice for women regarding understanding the power of each of your seasons with God. Each new season with God has a purpose and is essential to your spiritual growth. Whether you're in the spiritual season of winter, the season of isolation, or fall, the season of the harvest, you're not alone. God has a plan. Click the link above to understand your biblical seasons with God and learn how to thrive in each of them.
How to Plan a Church Ladies' Day
Fellowship is a cornerstone to the Christian faith! Here is how you can encourage fellowship in your own congregation.
75 Fun Sock Exchange Christmas Sock Gift Ideas (How To Play the Holiday Sock Game)
Looking for unique white elephant games or Christmas gift games not everyone else is playing? Definitely add this funny holiday game that everyone loves (plus you get new Christmas socks from the exchange game!). Tons of ideas of what to put inside Christmas socks (game filler ideas) too! Fun holiday game for kids and adults! #fungames #groupgames #holidaygame #presentgames #exchanginggifts #christmasparties