Spiritual Warfare

How to be a prayer warrior. Praying scripture, intercessory prayer, and war room prayers. Tips for using the armor of God, deliverance, and healing. Protection against evil, marriage prayers, and Biblical inspiration.
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25 Different Methods of Prayer That Are Powerful
Ever felt like your prayers are hitting the ceiling? They aren't! Discover more about connecting with God in this game-changing guide. Find 25 ways to connect with your Heavenly Father through the day, even if you are busy!
5 Truths When You Feel God Has Abandoned You
Are you feeling alone? Perhaps you have had some difficult things happen to you in your marriage, parenting, or even your family. You feel God has abandoned you. The truth is that God may be silent, but that doesn't mean He is not working in the situation. Read this if you are needing some encouragement!
Understanding Family Estrangement - A Deep Dive
Discover the profound emotional, psychological, and physical impacts of family estrangement. Learn from someone who endured a seven-year estrangement and emerged stronger. It doesn't matter if you are the parent, or the adult child...you need to read this before you walk away.
7 Tips on How to Hear God's Voice and Fulfill Your Purpose
Feeling disconnected from God? Try these 7 unique, and somewhat unconventional, techniques to help you establish a stronger connection and hear God’s voice more clearly.
5 Truths When You Feel Alone
Looking for answers during difficult times? Discover the reasons why God allows suffering and the redemption that lies within pain and trials. Delve deep into this hot topic and see how God's silence could be a sign of his engagement in your life rather than indifference.
Unlock a Life-Changing Perspective: Trusting God
Are you struggling to trust God with your life? Do you wonder if He's really listening? What about all the bad stuff that happens? This post will help you see things from a different perspective and understand why you can trust God with your hard moments.
Unlock a Life-Changing Perspective: Trusting God
Are you struggling to trust God with your life? Do you wonder if He's really listening? What about all the bad stuff that happens? This post will help you see things from a different perspective and understand why you can trust God with your hard moments.
19 Powerful Ways For Women to Have a Quiet Time with God
Is it hard for you to have a quiet time with God? Check out these 19 tips to make it more fun and exciting. Your relationship with God doesn't need to be about a checklist. #faith #Christian #living #quiet #time #struggle #habit
How to Change Your Husband Without Saying a Word
So you have tried everything. Nagging, controlling, pushing, and even the silent treatment. Nothing works. How about prayer? You'd be suprised what will happen when you start praying. It will not only change your husband, it will change you. What have you got to lose?
When Family Members Stop Speaking to You: 3 Things You Lose
When families members stop speaking, everyone loses. Learn how to set boundaries, work on forgiveness, and see if you can find solutions that work for everyone. It is an option worth pursuing before completely cutting off all ties with those you love. #family #problems #solutions #relationships #overcoming #prayer
How to Forgive Family (Even If They Don't Deserve It)
Learn how forgiving family, even when they don't deserve it, can pave your path to personal growth and inner peace. Unearth this fact about forgiveness: It's more about you than the person who wronged you. Learn how letting go of grudges can set you free. If you have family issues, this book will help you navigate difficult relationships and find peace despite your differences.
When Family Members Stop Speaking
There are at least three things to consider when family members stop speaking. I experienced all three of these things when I walked away. Additionally, I had no idea I was going to trade one set of problems for another set. Before you walk away, read this first. #family #parenting #siblings #holidays #relationships
9 Shocking Reasons Why God Compares us to Sheep in the Bible
Did you know we are just like sheep? You will both laugh and be shocked at the 9 ways we act like these furry animals. God knew we needed a shepherd just like sheep. See how to Good Shepherd takes care of us because He loves us. #sheep #shepherd #Bible #God #Christianliving
Helpful Tips For Estranged Parents Who Want Their Family Back
if you are the parent of estranged adult children, you may wonder why your adult child walked away. This post will tell you what you have been wondering all these years. And it gives tips on how to fix an estranged relationship. via @https://www.pinterest.com/julieaplagens