Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt

For 28 years, there is the craftfair Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt . We always hold it on 4th September weekend.Event location is the Straubinger „Alte Schlachthof“ ("Old Slaughterhouse")The complex is used for various cultural events More than 60 professional craftmen and artists come from all over Germany.Many exhibitors show their craft. The new and "old" craftsmen and artists inspire you with new ideas and personal design solutions for everyday life and beauty.
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Artikel über Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt.Foto von W. Schaffrath
Monika Pfeifer mit ihren Teddybären
Monika Pfeifer, Teddybaren,Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt, Foto © Susanne Fesl
Monika Pfeifer mit ihren Teddybären
Monika Pfeifer, Teddybaren,Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt, Foto © Susanne Fesl
Skizzen von Nina Bajenova
Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt, 2015
Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt, 2015
christine Stadler and children felting flowers
Otakar Sliva, ceramic artist comes with his works and his raku kiln
David and Katrin Mages, musicians with different styles allround the world
Andy snatch on the craft market in Straubing: "A charismatic personality with a big sense of humour and a sharp eye to seize the moment...In his Shows which can last from 5 minutes to 45 minutes, he invites us to check out how he manipulates balls, clubs, devilsticks, juggles hot and sharp objects, plays with the audience attention, and performs precarious balance acts to round things up.
7 Gratis Magazine von ALLETELLER
am Alten Schlachthof findet zum 28. Mal der Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt statt. Es kommen über 60 Aussteller aus allen Bereichen. Es gibt ein reichhaltiges Programm zum Zuschauen und Mitmachen.
gif animation zu Straubinger Kunsthandwerkermarkt = craft fair
Kunsthandwerkermarkt straubing,straubing,toepfermarkt,alter schlachthof,
unser Plakat 2014, © Czerwenka, Heusinger, Waubke