
65 Pins
10 Unique Flower Garden Design Color Combinations You'll Love
A photo of a garden with a "Berry Delight" scheme. There are deep red and pink flowers of various types, including dahlias, garden roses, hollyhocks, penstemon, cardinal flowers, gaura, columbine, and foxgloves. The flowers are planted in groups of 3 or 5 and are layered according to their height. There are also some thorny bushes in the background. The garden has a gravel path and is surrounded by a fence. The sky is overcast.
Your guide to growing roses and cutting for arranging and more
Becca and Grace share favourite varieties like Jude the Obscure, Claire Austin, and Ghislaine de Feligonde. The distinctions between shrubs, climbers, and ramblers are explained, with advice on using them in gardens or as hedging and tree companions. Everything you need to start and grow your own beautiful roses
Allium - en pryd i alle haver
Allium, også kaldet prydløg, kan blive op til 150 cm høje og er noget af det mest dekorative, du kan plante i din have.