Chickens - Everything and anything

808 Pins
Protecting backyard poultry from stray dogs
How to protect backyard chickens, ducks & guinea fowl from dog attacks. Even though dogs aren't what most people consider chicken predators, stray / loose dogs can cause a lot of casualties in the chicken yard. Here's how to keep your flock safe! Homestead chickens, farms & backyard chickens!
How to take better pictures of your chickens
How to take better pictures of your chickens, no matter what type of camera you're using! You can get great pictures of your chicks and chickens if you know a few easy photography tricks. Take cues from us professional photographers and make sure the light is behind you and the chicken in front to get a well lit image. How to shoot great pictures of chickens, ducks, quail, geese, guinea fowl and more!
Economical Chicken Feed - How Much Do They Eat?
While you won’t be looking at the chicken feeding project the same way as a commercial facility, it is possible to keep from wasting feed while raising your happy backyard chickens. Learn how here. #backyardchickens #backyardpoultry #chickens
120+ Chicken Dust Bath Ideas: How to Create the Perfect Bathing Spot
How to deal with a wet and muddy chicken run without spending money
Dealing with a muddy, messy chicken run? These tips will help! As a chicken owner, muddy runs can be frustrating. Learn how to handle wet chicken runs, help your chickens in the mud, and discover temporary fixes. Get tips on managing muddy chicken eggs effectively.