Police crafts

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patriotic decorations from Dollar Tree-here are some beautiful patriotic decorations that can be made with items from Dollar Tree! farmgirlreformed.com
How to Create a Custom Shadowbox: Holiday Style (and GIVEAWAY)
how to make your own shadow box...custom sized...Coffee Girl crafts
Sheriff Badge Painted Wood Shape | Hobby Lobby | 1227354
Sheriff Badge Painted Wood Shape 4”x 3 5/8”
Patriotic Star Painted Wood Shape | Hobby Lobby | 1227552
Patriotic Star Painted Wood Shape 4”x4”
Patriotic Glitter House Glitter House Putz House Fourth of | Etsy
Patriotic Glitter House, Glitter House, Putz House, Fourth of July decor, 4th of July House, Paper M
Cross Painting
Transparent Honest & True: Cross Painting A Tutorial on exactly how to paint this step by step!
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Orange County policeman Bob Taft takes his job very seriously. Becoming a police officer was a very important dream of his, and when he finally earned the right to have a badge, he happily pledged to always uphold the law and to always do his best to keep the peace. But recently the nation’s current... View Article