Students with Multiple Disabilities

Activities and Resources for Students with MultipleDisabilities: Here you'll find literacy ideas specific to kids who are blind or visually impaired with additional disabilities, including developmental delay, physical challenges, and deafblindness. 
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How to Make a Hanging Little Room
A Little Room is a space in which a child can explore his or her environment safely. Find out how to create a hanging little room by using this step by step guide.
Implementation - Active Learning Space
Strategies to implement an Active Learning approach with learners with significant challenges, based on the theories of Dr. Lilli Nielsen
A Braille Letter Song by Queensland Department of Education – Paths to Literacy
Overview of Multiple Disabilities – Paths to Literacy
Developing and Using First / Then Schedules
First / Then Schedules are a structured method of communicating about what is happening now and what is going to happen next. They can help to clarify expectations and to support an individual to anticipate what will happen next.
Biobehavioral States and Availability for Learning – Paths to Literacy
Biobehavioral States are critical to understand in order to identify when a student with complex learning needs, including sensory impairments and health challenges, may be available to learn.
A Braille Letter Song by Queensland Department of Education – Paths to Literacy
This book uses tactile symbols, braille, and print to provide support and structure to a teenager who is blind with autism to get dressed independently.
Setting Up Task Boxes to Encourage Independence – Paths to Literacy
Activities can be set up in individual plastic bins for children to do independently.
Creating an Animated PowerPoint Story as an Alternate Format Literacy Material – Paths to Literacy
Learn how to create an animated PowerPoint story as an alternate format literacy material for students who have visual impairments, including CVI and other special needs.
Creating a Pegboard Book for a Learner with Multiple Disabilities
Make your own pegboard book for students with multiple disabilities!
Creating a Literacy Kit for Students with Multiple Disabilities
Shower and Hygiene Book for a Teenager – Paths to Literacy
Create a shower and hygiene book with tactile objects, print and braille for teenagers with multiple disabilities.
A Braille Letter Song by Queensland Department of Education – Paths to Literacy
Here's a fun #multisensory holiday activity for kids who are #blind #LowVision #deafblind or with #MultipleDisabilities or #SpecialNeeds! Make your own cinnamon-scented pinecones!
10 Tips for Selecting Holiday Gifts for Young Children with Visual Impairments or Multiple Disabilities – Paths to Literacy
10 tips for selecting holiday gifts for young children with visual impairments or multiple disabilities