Dhara, a luxurious ensemble featuring a chikankari embroidered shirt adorned with a milky lace and pearl accents. The look is complete with a dupatta, featuring chikankari embroidery, light sequins, and pearl tassels thus adding a touch of elegance. This is a 3 pc outfit. Semi-stitched Traditional Wear With Lace Work For Eid, Elegant Naqshi Dupatta For Reception, Lawn Suit With Chikankari Embroidery For Reception, White Naqshi Sharara For Reception, Naqshi Embroidered Lawn Suit For Reception, Unstitched Chikankari Lawn Suit For Receptions, Elegant Semi-stitched Naqshi Palazzo Set, Elegant Semi-stitched Palazzo Set With Naqshi, Eid Lawn Suit With Chikankari Embroidery For Reception