
22 Pins
Gut Healing – Benefits of Bone Broth
Homemade Bone Broth: If you have been following my work for a while, you know I am a huge fan of bone broth. If you have leaky gut, bone broth may be better for you than fatty cuts of meat but assuming you don’t have high oxalates in body.⠀ .⠀ 🥘Our digestive system needs to properly break down meats into amino acids and fatty acids for nutrient absorption...
Does Carnivore Diet Really Heal?
It does not matter if you’ve been off to a less than perfect January. It does not matter if you had an off-plan weekend. It doesn’t matter. It’s all in the past now. 💪🏼WHAT MATTERS is you keep going. If you are starting meat-based or getting back to meat-based, remember the healing powers of carnivore. 🤕Remember your why and why you choose to be meat-based. You know the physical and emotional pain you feel as you eat a [fill in the blank] diet...
Infographics - Health Coach Kait | Insulin Resistance Health Coach
Infographics - Health Coach Kait | Insulin Resistance Health Coach
10 Tips for Your First Time on the Carnivore Diet - The Hobson Homestead