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[BXB][ROMANCE][M-PREG] "Kau hanya milikku Baby Na" Jeno menyering… #fiksiremaja # Fiksi Remaja # amreading # books # wattpad
Ies somewhere-inthe-deepdetails We should all be in fear of anyone strong enough to balance and literally support their entire mass in that pose on tiptoes. She ain't even wearing a decent heel support like the lady behind her. No, this queen is wearing goddamn stilettos. You know how hard it is to walk in stilettos, let alone balance your weight on one foot? And she's doing more than that, she's literally resting all her weight on that foot. This is insane, she could kick all of our asses. LA studying-inwonderland Shes smiling. a intotheunknownsblog She's too powerful - iFunny