Playing cards design

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Mirrored floral pattern original block, botanical illustration poster print, floral pattern wall art
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Modelbuch Nehwens, Stickens, vnd Wirckens : Egenolff, Christian : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Modelbuch Nehwens, Stickens, vnd Wirckens : Egenolff, Christian : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Playing Card Wall Art, Playing Card Print, Man Cave Decor, "Ace of Diamonds"
All of these prints are textured versions of the traditional playing cards. What would otherwise simply be a solid color has been given detail characteristic of the Medieval Ages. Within each card are also graphic elements that make it appear 3-Dimensional, as though the head for example is physically on top of the checkered background. This adds a level of depth to an otherwise very familiar image. When someone looks at these for the first time, they are instinctively drawn by the differences