Household Tips & Ideas

When you are running your home you encounter a wide variety of situations and have to know a little about a really broad range of topics. Here's household tips and ideas to help you with all kinds of things around your home from cooking, cleaning, home maintenance, healing boo boos and scrapes, and much much more.
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Tips For Removing Perspiration Stains
Here is a round up of tips for removing perspiration stains from clothing or other items, including DIY and home remedies for removing sweat stains, as well as stain remover reviews {on Stain Removal 101} #StainRemoval #RemoveStains #RemovingStains
Pet Stain Removal Guide
Pet stain removal guide with step by step instructions for clothes, upholstery, and carpet {on Stain Removal 101}
Perspiration Stain Removal Guide
Step by step instructions for perspiration stain removal from clothing, upholstery and carpet {on Stain Removal 101} #PerspirationStainRemoval #PerspirationStains #StainRemovalGuide
How The pH Of Your Cleaner Affects What It Will Clean
An easy to understand scientific explanation of why the pH of a cleaner affects what it will clean, so you can always choose the best cleaning product for the job {on Stain Removal 101} #pHCleaner #CleaningProducts #CleaningSupplies
Peanut Butter Stain Removal Guide
Step by step instructions for peanut butter stain removal from clothes, upholstery and carpet {on Stain Removal 101}
Perfume Stain Removal Guide
Step by step instructions for how to remove perfume stains from clothing, upholstery and carpet {on Stain Removal 101}
Pear Stain Removal Guide
Step by step instructions for pear stain removal from clothing, upholstery and carpet {on Stain Removal 101}
Peach Stain Removal Guide
Peach juice stain removal guide with step by step instructions for removing peach stains from clothing, upholstery and carpet {on Stain Removal 101}
Paint Stain Removal Tips
Here is a round up of paint stain removal tips and tricks to help remove paint spills and splatters from various surfaces in and around your home {on Stain Removal 101} #StainRemoval #RemovingStains #RemoveStains
Ultimate Guide To Oxygen Bleach: Uses For Laundry, Stain Removal & Cleaning
The ultimate guide to oxygen bleach, providing tips and instructions for how it works, its active ingredients, and what factors makes it most effective, plus an explanation of many of its uses around your home, for laundry, stain removal and cleaning {on Stain Removal 101} #OxygenBleach #LaundryBleach #LaundryTips
Pet Odor Stain Remover Reviews
Pet odors seem to linger, so which pet odor stain remover works best to get rid of them? Here is a round up of reviews to find which products work double duty and clean and remove odor {on Stain Removal 101}
Oxiclean Baby Stain Soaker Reviews & Uses
Here are reviews of Oxiclean Baby Stain Soaker, which is a presoak, used by those washing baby clothes or for those with sensitive skin.
Printable January 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar
Free printable January 2025 #decluttering calendar with daily 15 minute missions. Follow the entire #Declutter365 plan provided by Home Storage Solutions 101 to #declutter your whole house in a year.
Pet Stain Odor Removal Tips
Here is a round up of tips for pet stain odor removal, for removing odors and smells caused by you cats, dogs and other pets from your home, plus a review of some pet odor remover products {on Stain Removal 101} #StainRemoval #OdorRemoval #PetStains
Pet Hair Remover Reviews
Here is a round up of pet hair removers reviews to find out which products work best for removing pet hair from a variety of surfaces, and which should stay on the store shelf {on Stain Removal 101}