Building Your Faith

Dig into the Word with inspirational quotes and Biblical insight to help you get through your day. May you feel blessed by it.
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8 Fabulous Ways to Pray for God's Guidance (& Direction)
Are you like most of us? Wanting to know God's will? Here are 8 fabulous ways to pray for God's guidance (& direction). #godswill #melaniemredd #hopeministry #hopeministries #godsguidance
Steppes of Faith
In Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians, he details seven qualities of a genuine pastor and sets the standard to which every pastor should aspire. Do you or your pastor possess these qualities? #biblestudies #biblestudy #pastor #leadership #church #authentic #fire #salvation #grace #Jesus #God #bibleverses #bible #scripture #truth #biblequotes #inspirationalquotes #upliftingquotes #spiritualquotes #faithquotes #faith #christian #christianity #apologetics #devotions #truth
Steppes of Faith
In Judges 11, a judge named Jephthah makes a foolish promise to God on his way to battle, one with tragic consequences. Did he keep his promise? Discover the true meaning of this confusing portion of Scripture and God’s lesson for us all. + #biblestudies #biblestudy #God #bible #scripture #judges #bibleverses #apologetics #devotions #religiousstudies #theology #lessons #promises #offerings #biblequotes #motivationalquotes #spiritualquotes #religiousquotes #religion #christianity #christian #christianquotes #faithquotes #faith
7 Lessons You Can Learn From The Prodigal Son In The Bible -
Let’s talk about the prodigal son meaning and how this parable can relate to your everyday life. First, The world may look tempting but being reckless and doing the wrong things simply because the world says it is okay will never bring satisfaction. And That no matter what we have done or the magnitude of our sin or wrongdoing. God will always accept us back with open arms ready to bless us. And that he does not hold grudges.
3 Ways God's Timing is Perfect | Divine Creative Love
Supposedly, God's timing is perfect. But how to believe that, with so many dreams deferred and unanswered prayers? These truths from 1 Peter 3 can help us to understand.
Steppes of Faith
Jesus teaches a Beatitude in Matthew 5 that talks about being meek, and He ties it to the third Commandment. What could they possibly have in common? Discover this amazing connection, who inherits the earth, and how the Beatitudes explain the Ten Commandments. #biblestudies #biblestudy #sermononthemount #beatitudes #biblelessons #sermons #preaching #meekness #humility #strength #gentleness #selfcontrol #tencommandments #truth #scripture #bible #bibleverses #biblequotes #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #devotions #apologetics #evangelism #faith #christianity #christian #christianlife
7 Questions to Help You Share Your Faith | Ask About My Faith
7 Simple Questions to Help You Share Your Faith | Evangelism Resources | Tips to Share the Gospel | How to Have a Faith Conversation | Christian Faith
How to Let God Solve Your Problems: 12 Keys to Finding Clear Guidance in Life's Trials [Book]
"God, how did I get in this mess!?"Is that the cry of your heart? You may be in the midst of an emotional hurricane right now and wondering Can anything good come out of this situation? Or you may be stumbling through the aftermath of a physical or financial crisis, fearful that you'll never get back on your feet. In How to Let God Solve Your Problems, Dr. Charles Stanley demonstrates how God allows times of trial for a number of reasons: To turn your attention back toward Him.To adjust your pri
Steppes of Faith
Being meek does not mean being weak. It means being humble before God, the creator of the universe and the Savior of our souls. Jesus said if we humble ourselves and acknowledge our sin, we will inherit the earth, but not this earth. He means the coming eternal kingdom (Rev 21:1). Do you want to see heaven and enjoy the eternal kingdom? Be meek before the Lord. They are the ones He calls blessed. #God #Jesus #JesusisLord #heaven #earth #eternallife #eternity #kingdom #inheritance #meekness #humility #love #grace #mercy #forgiveness #life #truth #scriptures #bible #bibleverses #biblequotes #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #faith #encouragement #christian #christianity #christianlife #devotions #apologetics
Christian Vs Catholic Beliefs: (10 Epic Differences To Know)
Christian Vs Catholic Beliefs: (10 Important Differences To Know)
19 Compelling Bible Verses on Silence and Solitude
In this noisy, busy world it can be hard to hear God. What does the Bible say about silence? Hear what the Bible says about silence and solitude. Grow your faith and grow your prayer life! | Christian prayer | silence in the Bible | Christian solitude | Bible verses about silence | Bible verses about solitude | spiritual disciplines | spiritual discipline of silence | christian parenting | bible study for moms