Fun is Fitness ♡

Exercise is fun if your doing what you love! ~ running ~ rowing ~ swimming ~ abs ~ legs ~ paddle boarding ~ crossfit
304 Pins
2 Sections
By now, I’m sure the majority of you have heard about Crossfit. If you haven’t, you are missing out. To start this post I was going to define Crossfit, but to be honest I can’t fi…
This may contain: a woman holding two dumbs while standing in front of a brick building with the words deadlift hammer curl squat
Fun/challenging strength cardio full body, little bit of everything workout!
"Gut Buster" Workout, CrossFit Mayhem Benchmark WOD | WODwell
For Time: 150 Sit-Ups; 1000 meter Row; 150 Sit-Ups
9 Different Butt Anatomy Workouts for Women.  A tight toned butt is on ever
This may contain: a woman squats with two dumbbells in front of a brick wall and text reads, curly lunge with weights and bands to a fire hydrant 10x each leg
Glute workout with weights and bands!
Leg Day ...modified a CF benchmark workout aimed at legs and core. Try to complete this in under 20 minutes. #hit, home workouts.
This may contain: a woman doing an exercise on a machine with the words instead of this above her
Cable kickbacks, glute exercises, cable kickbacks glutes, lower body workout, leg workout exercises