Faith Quotes and Bible Verses

To know and understand God’s word and truths, to know Him, we must read the Bible. A true moral compass, scripture is immune to bias or blunder and will steady us through smooth sailing or storms of life. God’s word is a rock that does not sink in sand or swamp, no matter the weight of our earthly burdens.
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Teach Your Children How to Build Their Identity Through Christ
As we raise our children to find identity, we teach them to listen to Jesus, not what this world tells them. Our children must develop godly resiliency, trust, and confidence that will enable them to live the fullness of God’s truths. Once parents firmly stand in the identity we receive through Christ as Savior, we are able to mentor truth for children to emulate. Listen today to discover barriers to safeguard against so our children will be rooted in the freedom of true identity. #christianparenting #christianmom #parentingquotes
Here’s the Truth About Raising Christian Children
Raising our children isn't an easy, do-it-once job. It takes intention, consistency, and prayer. Our strength comes from God alone as we persevere. #christianquote #faithquote #christianparenting #christianfamily
A Timeless Christian Parenting Quote for Moms
I wished had purposely STOPPED being a GOOD mom, and became a GODLY mom centered on Christ moment by moment when she was younger. Many mothers worry about their children's middle school years, the teen years, when they'll drive, the time they'll turn eighteen... or leave home. We must PURPOSELY plan sooner. Build that strong FOUNDATION for them to later build their OWN house of faith. #christianparenting #christianquote #christianlife #godly #faithquote #faithquotes
Are You Showing Your Children the World or the Way of the Lord?
Your walk with God and identity through Christ will impact your children more than anything else you can do for them. Instead of a resolution, you can have a solid plan. Would you like to be equipped to train them in the Way, the Truth, and the Life? Would you like to know that the foundation your children stand on will be strong enough for them to build their own house of faith? A new group of the Set-Apart Collective is beginning on January 7, 2025. I'd be honored to introduce you to method you probably haven't tried and envelop you with a strong group of like-minded women raising children to chase Christ over culture together. Please DM me for more info. Don't wait. Time is short. Be focused on eternity now. #christianparenting #christianquote #parentingquote #godly #christian #faith
Christian Scripture Quote
#christianbibleverse #christianmom #christianquotes #christianliving #biblequotes #bibleverse "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine." As we strive to be godly, set-apart women in this fallen world, and pray to be encouragers and equippers for Christ, this verse should stir us to continue looking Up.
His Truths Stand the Test of Time in Parenting and for Christian Women
See, our culture tells us we’re good moms. The thing is, the messages we’re hearing cater to our own insecurities. We are supposed to receive encouragement as mothers, but instead of encouraging us to rely on Him, our culture focuses on OUR THOUGHTS instead of HIS TRUTHS. Not only do His truths help us with our thoughts, but with HOW WE PARENT. #christianmom #christianquote #christianparenting #christianmotherhood #faithquotes
Facing Challenges as a Christian Woman Doesn’t Have to Be a Great Burden…
Whether you're challenged by a person, people, temptations, or insecurities, you can be assured that God is greater than your feelings or emotions. He is greater than what you face. Scripture says that no weapon formed against you will prosper. Don't let troubles of the world affect your inner peace. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Your resilience and strength start with your identity in Christ. Are you ready to delve deeper? Send me a DM to LEARN MORE and HOW this applies to parenting. #christianquote #christianquotes #christianwomen #christianmom #christianlifestyle #faithquote #faithquotes
Christian Mom: Here’s How You Can Become More Present
Being present is key, but so is setting our eyes on eternity. Be present in your personal time and in your family time as you read, ponder, discuss, and live out God's Word. While you are fully focusing on life... raising kids, working, serving, and all the things... purpose to keep your eyes focused on Jesus. Intentionally make time to deepen your relationship and your family's relationship with Christ. Our perspective of eternity matters. #christianmom #christianwomen #christianwife #christianfamily #christianliving #proverbs31
Fighting Battles as a Christian Woman
When trials tend to wear on you, remember this truth: The one residing within you is greater than the world. Whether you're challenged by a person, people, temptations, or insecurities, you can be assured that God is greater than your feelings or emotions. He is greater than what you face. Scripture says that no weapon formed against you will prosper. Don't let troubles of the world affect your inner peace. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Your resilience and strength start with your identity in Christ. Are you ready to delve deeper? Send me a DM to LEARN MORE and HOW this applies to parenting.
Rest in Him.
Each day you parent for Him is a day you serve Him. He knows the work you are doing and has ordained each of the days for a purpose beyond what you can imagine. Parent for Him with eternal purpose. Not a moment will be wasted.
When I raised my first set of children, my goal was to be a good mother. In fact, I thought I was a pretty good one. 

A generation later, I began raising my second set of children. This time my goal has been to be a godly mother.  This shift in thinking has made a huge impact on my children and family, especially our relationship with Christ. 

Godly over good is my parenting perspective. I adore wrapping my arm around younger mothers, encouraging them to embrace godly over good. 

Would you like encouragement or tips to equip you to be a godly over good mom? DM me. ❤️ I’d love to help you be the godly mom you are meant to be.
When I raised my first set of children, my goal was to be a good mother. In fact, I thought I was a pretty good one. A generation later, I began raising my second set of children. This time my goal has been to be a godly mother. This shift in thinking has made a huge impact on my children and family, especially our relationship with Christ. Godly over good is my parenting perspective. I adore wrapping my arm around younger mothers, encouraging them to embrace godly over good. Would you like encouragement or tips to equip you to be a godly over good mom? DM me. ❤️ I’d love to help you be the godly mom you are meant to be.
Embrace Being an Imperfect Parent But Don’t Stay There | Purposed Parent/Connected Child Podcast
Parents don’t know the purpose or eternal plans God has set for our children, but we carry His holy authority to raise His children prayerfully and humbly for Him. Just as Jesus replied in Luke 2:49 which asks, “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house,” parents must intentionally be about our Heavenly Father’s business and show our children how to do the same in their life. #christianparenting #christianquote #godlyfamily #godlyparent #raisingkids #christianmentor #imperfect #imperfections #parentingquotes #inspirationalquotesforwomen