Christmas crafts diy

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1.1M views · 34K reactions | I really enjoyed doing this decoration for Christmas is super easy and it looks beautiful with the rest of my decor, try it at home all the materials are from Dollar Tree #christmasdecorations #christmasdiydecor #Christmas | Rocio Ruiz - Home Decor | Facebook
DIY Gingerbread Ladder for Tiered Tray | ladder | Check out the most adorable ladder using popsicle sticks. This is so cute for your Christmas tiered tray. | By The Celebration Co. | Hello, you guys. Y'all, it's morning here but it's almost afternoon. It's almost noon time. Y'all my day and my schedule is a little bit different than what it typically is today. Um I had to go to Walmart early this morning. I went to Walmart just right after I dropped Griffin off at school and I never go to Walmart like I haven't been to Walmart in so long but I went a little crazy in Walmart on lots of different things not just Christmas stuff but y'all Walmart is I mean everywhere it just seems like everyone is just really killing it these days with their their inventory I mean there's just some awesome awesome things you guys so I went I needed to get Griffin some clothes and y'all yesterday we were trying to order from Amazon a Spider Man costume for him I'm definitely late on that but we were trying to order from Amazon and we couldn't find anything that would get here in time and that's just crazy so I walked in the Walmart and there it is like just right there exactly what he wants including a Spider Man a candy bucket that we could not find on Amazon so Walmart was there for me this morning so anyways my day is a little off but here I am I'm live I did post a video this morning of all the things that I saw at Walmart in their Christmas section so definitely be sure to watch that but I'm going to show you all today some of the the things that I bought from the Christmas section so let me see let's see who's here though before we get into that hello Don Hey, Janie. Hello, Carrie. Hello, Debbie. Hey, Bonnie Sullivan. Hey, Tina. Happy Tuesday. Hello, Katrina. Hi, Debra. Elena, hello. Hey, Marlo, Jamia, Aurelia, good morning. Oh, I bet you did, Melissa. That's awesome. Hey, Gwen. Hey, Sheryl. Hey, Jenny Sluse. Hello, Emily and Gina and Tina and Sandy Ling. Tabitha Jones. Hi. Um hey, Tammy Bahunik. I don't know if I said your name right. Hey Katie. Hello everybody. Y'all I can't say everybody's names. But hi to all of you. Um thank you Patty Townley. That's so sweet. Um yes taco Tuesday. It is Maria. I'm not having tacos today but we are having Mexican. We're having burritos today. So it's going to be yummy and y'all guess what I made this morning. That is no reason another reason why my day is off. There's the garbage man's here. Um another reason why my day is off is because I made banana pudding this morning. So, I'm excited to have that for dinner. Thank you Tina Richard for sending those stars. Thank you so much. Oh look, Patricia Matthews is from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. I just always think of Groundhog Day the movie when I see that alright y'all so I have I I didn't go super crazy in the Christmas stuff but y'all I still spent more money than I wanted to I was thinking about 50 bucks. I definitely spent more than that but I couldn't pass it up I could not pass some of these things up you guys I knew since they were there I needed to get them and some of it was just too darn cute to pass okay yeah Katie. It is cool enough y'all. It was 45 degrees this morning here in Kentucky. Hi, Helen. Uh Kavanaugh from Australia. That's awesome. Okay. I'm going to jump into this y'all because I do have a craft to do as well. So, I don't want to I still have not eaten lunch. So, I'm going to hurry this up. We're going to do this craft and then I'm going to go eat some lunch. So, so y'all have seen that they have would be garlands. So, I got two. Um there were quite a few like I said I did post a video okay I posted a video this morning of just all of the things that I saw okay of the great awesome things I saw y'all they are so much more than what I even posted they had tons of trees their Christmas trees are the best value at anywhere I don't really think you can find a better value on Christmas trees than you can at Walmart they're super duper inexpensive so but they do have the wood bead garlands they have they have gray they have the wool ball garlands they have some that have little pompoms they have red and white and those have cute little mini gnomes on them they have red ones and black ones all kinds of different ones y'all and so I bought two I bought this one here I love the color of these beads so and this is a 12-foot garland 12 feet for $6 dollars okay That is a great deal. A great deal. 12 feet for $6. That's awesome. Thank you Irma for those stars. Thank you so much and then I got this one because it has the bigger beads on it and I love using these bigger beads sometimes and I don't always have em. This one's only a six foot but it's it was $7 but the beads are so much larger and these beads are raw wood where these here are stains. You can see the difference in size. So, this is what they look like and y'all the one that I went to still had quite a bit in stock. I honestly, it didn't look like it was picked over. It looked like they hadn't fully stocked it. Um that's the way that mine looked. So, I don't know I know that a lot of places have been saying that they have been getting they've gotten it in and then they're already gone but for me, it wasn't an issue, okay? I also grabbed some white paint because I just really need some white paint. So, y'all remember the apple barrel paints at the Walmart are 50 cents, okay? They're like 49 cents or something like that. That is the best way to buy paints. If you go to Hobby Lobby, they're at least 75 cents if not more like a dollar or a dollar. twenty-nine and so for the same amount at Walmart, you can get get the for like 49 cents, okay? So, I just always use the apple barrel because it's the cheapest. Y'all know I want what's cheap. Okay. Y'all saw my video. This is my one of my favorite things. There's two things I bought that I went crazy over, okay? And this is one of them. This is one of them. Um Courtney, I'm going to answer that question. So, they had I know you all have you all probably seen these. I don't know if you've seen them or not but you have heard that Walmart has is going to be having the tiered trays. So, they will be having tiered trays this year. I don't remember how much they are. I think $14 like 14 or $15, which is not bad. Not bad at all and I don't know which which ones they have The store that I went to Courtney, I went to Lawrenceburg. They did not have the tiered trays yet. However, again, I don't think my Walmart, they had a bunch of crates that a guy was unloading. So, I'm not sure that they had put them out yet but they did have out the decor that they put with the tiered trays. So, they've got a bunch of different I posted, I posted this in my video. They've got a bunch of different little sets of different things to put in your tiered tray. Oh my goodness, they had some super cute things. Some super cute things and this one was my favorite. I only grabbed one because y'all know I'm cheap and I couldn't spend $30 on just items to put in my tiered tray. Um even though I would love to because there were three of em I really wanted but this is the one I chose because it will go in my kitchen and it's so darn cute. Look how adorable this is. Is this not so cute? Let's actually unpack it because I just want to see em up close. So, so first of all how adorable okay how adorable is this little felt gingerbread man he's so cute and then there is this little sign okay so we have made signs like this before all this is a wood block so we did this when we were doing lemons is I just took some wood blocks just scrap wood blocks and I just print out some images on regular computer paper and I just mod podge them right to the front of the block. That is all this is you guys. It is just a it's just a printable that is put right on here. So, that says baked with love. So, it's supposed to look like one of those letterboards but it's not. It's just a picture, okay? Just on a block of wood. Really cute. Um Mary, the skew number for this I assume Am I looking at, am I missing something? I'm thinking maybe there was a tag. Was there a tag or not? So, I'm not really sure with what the skew number is. It might be Let's see here. Might be this. I'm going to type this in. IG fourteen two nine nine. Okay. See if that's this cute number. I just posted that. I'm not sure if it is or not. Yes, Sandra. Most of these I probably could make cheaper especially these two items here and the little gingerbread man but sometimes, you know, it would be more trouble than it's worth, okay? So, like with these here, I love these. It would be hard to create the graphics for these two items here and then, okay. So, let's just go on, keep going. So, this is a little house. Look how cute that is. So, again, it's just a block, okay? But it's super duper cute. Super duper cute and then, these is another thing that I just love so much. I mean, these two things right here. They're so cute. So, I love these little candy canes. These little wooden candy canes. Those are adorable. So, they also had, they also had one that had two little mini coffee mugs in it and they said they were white and had sort of Ray Dunn writing on them that said naughty and nice and they also had one in line with this sort of theme. They also had one that had these cute little rolling pins like mini little rolling pins in it and the candy canes and I can't remember what else is in that one but you guys can look at the video and see all the ones that they had. They had some that were more farmhousey. Um so many very cute ones. Okay. So, I flipped out over this and just knew I had to have it. $10, okay? These are ten. They're nine ninety-eight, alright? For the pack, okay? Nine ninety-eight. Alright. So, I needed and I was planning to go to Hobby Lobby for these things but I decided that Walmart was about the same price. Maybe just slightly cheaper I think. Um I didn't do the in depth but I kind of did it in my head but I think it's it's very similar. They're sort of neck and neck on price as far as ribbon goes. Um someone asked, this was $10. The kit here for a tiered tray was ten. Nine ninety-eight. So, the only other thing that I could do for this this skew Mary is under the barcode which is six eight eight nine five. So, try that. Okay. So, I bought some ribbon at Walmart. They had lots of different things. So, I grabbed this one here. I thought it was super cute and would be really cute on my gingerbread tree. It does have a little bit of sparkle. I don't know if y'all can see that or not. It's just ever so slightly on the snowflakes so I thought that was super cute and would be really cute y'all with my gingerbread stuff look how cute that is love that because it's got that sort of intricate look about it almost like a reminds me of a gingerbread house so I got that so it's $5 and let's see here if it tells me it's got twenty 5 feet, okay? $5 for 25 feet. Then, I got this one here. This one's wired. Is this one wired? I don't think. Is it? Yes, it's wired. This one's wired as well. This one is wired as well. It's $5 and again, 25 feet for this one. So, little plaid and then, a little bit wider. I got this stripe, okay? So, it's a red and white stripe. I do like Hobby Lobby's stripe a little bit better. Um it seems a little bit better quality but I decided just go ahead and get this. This has 35 feet on it and it is eight dollars. It was $8. So, the ones at Hobby Lobby were regular $8 and they had 16 feet on them. So, what I was figuring was you always get em on sale. So, that's $4 for 16 feet. So, it would be eight dollars for thirty-two feet at Hobby Lobby and this was eight for 35 feet. So, very close in price and like I said, Hobby Lobbies as far as this particular one goes is probably a little bit better quality. You can see it's a little see through but I figured it would still work well for me and then I grabbed this one because it is so darn cute. Again, this one is wired. How cute is that? And 8 dollars for 4-five feet of this. So I think I may also put this on my Christmas gingerbread tree. So darn cute. Okay? And then I've really been wanting y'all I love when I make doing my trees put lots of ribbon and lots of stuff on it before I put any decorations on and I found this and I love it y'all I don't care for the mesh you know this stuff hang on let me show you I'm not super duper crazy about this mesh stuff, okay? It's not one of my favorite things. Just just being honest, alright? I think it has a place but it's not one of my favorite things and I don't really like it on my Christmas tree but I have been wanting something that's got more width about it to add so much more color to my Christmas tree and so Walmart had this. So, this is burlap. They're calling it decorative mesh but it's not. It's burlap and it's red and plaid. It was $8 for 12 feet y'all. Look at that and that's so pretty. It is so pretty. So, it's got no, it's not shiny at all. It's just red and white burlap and it's it's sewed on the edges so it's not going to fray. So pretty. So pretty. Love it. So this is going on my tree. And then only two more things, okay? I found these ornaments here for 9-eight cents. I think that my dollar my Walmart had didn't have a lot of their ornaments out yet so I just I got four of these 98 cents they're not the best quality you can see how they're sort of sewn together but I don't care they're going on a Christmas tree you're never going to see that so for $4 for four I feel like you just can't really beat beat that so they're all the same and the last that I flipped out over y'all. They there was only one in the store but I saw this in cap that had all these beautiful gnomes and they were bigger gnomes and the sign said 798 or 898. Maybe it was eight ninety-eight. The sign said and this gnome was sitting on there and so first I thought it was $9, which was like there's not in any way that's possible. I was wrong. This one is not nine dollars. This one was $15 but even at that, this is an awesome deal. How cute. She? Oh my gosh. Look at how cute she is. She is so adorable. She is so adorable. Golly, she's cute. So, anyways, there were other gnomes with this gnome, okay? The other ones did not have legs and feet, okay? So, they were just sort of like from this size up. They were still pretty large but without the feet. So, they were about like this and they were nine dollars. This one was 15 with the legs. Oh my gosh, Mary. What? You are kidding me. How does it go back down? I did not even know that. Gets instructions. It expands from 23 inches to thirty-five inches y'all for fifteen dollars. Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh. Look how cute. So, she stands on her own. I'm freaking in love with this gnome. I love it. I love it so much. It was at Walmart for fifteen y'all. This was at Hobby Lobby which is funny. Hobby Lobby has gnomes and I have one. Okay? This gnome right here came from Hobby Lobby for nine dollars regular price. This one came from Hobby Lobby. So, this this fabric is a it's exactly the same. Exactly the same. This striped material here is exactly the same like there's no difference in them and if this were at Hobby Lobby, this thing would be probably a least 40 or 50 bucks regular price at least. I'm just I'm amazed. I am amazed. I love this thing so much but there was only one of em. I don't know if they're going to have different styles or if they were already bought or what but this was the only one there was and I'm in love with it and I love that it stretches. I did not know that. I don't know how to put it back and I'm scared to break it. There we go. There's a little button at the top but my goodness. How cute. So cute. So, it just stretches however you want it and then there's a button right back here I think once you get it up high that you just push and it goes down. That's adorable. So cute alright you guys so those are my finds I love them all they're so cute y'all I can't wait to decorate for Christmas in a few weeks I know Mary. You don't see the girl gnomes very often but she's adorable. Golly, she's adorable. Okay. So, moving on to our craft. Alright, thank you Tracy for those stars. Okay. So, let's move on to our craft you guys. Gosh, how cute and look how cute it is with the little ornament that we made out of the hat from Dollar Tree. They match so well. I'm so excited. Okay. You could totally use it for Valentine's Day as well Rebecca that's a great idea absolutely just leave it out because I leave my tree up so you could just leave those gnomes out and do your Valentine's tree and put out some other ornaments so cute oh Jennifer don't tempt me like that I've done spent enough I've got to go now to Dollar General and check out their ornaments goodness gracious okay Let's let's just move on. So, y'all in the in the theme of Gingerbread Men because I am kind of loving them this year. We are going to make for our tiered tray. So, this will go well with our other tiered tray things that we just bought from Walmart. We are going to make a ladder for our tiered tray. So, it could go on the bottom and it'll lean up towards the second layer and we're going to have gingerbread men climbing up the ladder, okay? Super inexpensive and super cheap. So, these little gingerbread men here, I got these at the Dollar Tree, okay? And then, what I'm also using, I'm almost out is the big jumbo or giant. They're called giant craft sticks from Walmart, okay? Giant Craft Sticks. So, we're using those as well and what I'm doing is cutting them down, okay? So, I want to cut them down to this size here and this is going to be the all it's going to form the pieces of our ladder. I couldn't think of the word. Um y'all I'm really so excited this morning. I'm so excited too now that I learned that gnome grows. Oh my goodness. Okay. I'm going to try to calm myself. So, this little jumbo popsicle stick. We are going to cut it in half. So, what I did and it's it's not going to be perfect and I may end up using a few of em to get it to look the way I wanted to but I'm going to cut it in half. So, I've already, I know how that is and I'm just more making a mark and then I'm going to use a sharp utility knife, okay? And I'm using my metal ruler from Dollar Tree. Y'all if you don't have one of these, you need to get one because they're wonderful. You just can't you just can't beat it. So, I'm just lining it up with my little marks. And we are going to hold this very tightly and I am just going to do some cuts. I'm not pushing real hard. I'm just doing a little at a time and just going through my stick, okay? So, it may take me three or four times. I, you can also try scoring it and then breaking it but I feel like it does better to cut it. So then we get two pieces like this. Now, we're going to cut these in half, okay? So, I'm not measuring this one I really want one of them to be a little bit larger than the other one. So, I'm going to put the piece that I want it to be that I've already cut up against and again, I'm just holding my ruler down really hard and just gently running my knife along the edge of my ruler. Now, you definitely need a sharp utility knife. It probably needs to be a fresh blade and you're just going to go keep going through that same cut Now, I lost my ruler placement. So, now that I got enough of a cut, I don't think I need my ruler anymore. I lied. Okay, let's see here. Alright, we almost got it. Okay. Alright. So, now we have two pieces here. We're just going to cut off the rounded edge We want these two to be the same height, okay? So, I'm just going to line em up and cut. Here we go. So, I'm going to go ahead and just sand. I'm just going to take a sanding block and just sand the edges. Make sure it's nice and smooth. We don't want any little splinters. That's right, Jennifer. Love that. That's awesome, Jennifer. I'm going to I'm going to have to check that out. I may go in there today. Although, let me just say this. Most likely, my Dollar General didn't have anything out yet because they are uber slow, okay? So, you can see, okay, kind of seeing our ladder starting to form here. So, now, we're going to, I'm going to cut this one in half as well. And we're going to start forming our cross pieces. Just be careful not to cut yourself when you're doing this. It's not the easiest thing to do. You could also probably find at Hobby Lobby some flat pieces that you could use for this. But I just, you know, I had this. So, that's what I was going with. Alright, y'all. So, what I'm going to do is kind of measure. I want my pieces to overhang slightly. So, I'm just going to sort of measure. I think I'm going to do it exactly three inches So, I'm just going to measure my pieces and cut em at 3 inches. Already got a pencil out. Vicky, she hasn't been on in a bit. Um there's been a lot going on. Nothing bad. Nothing bad. Everything's good but she's right now what is today? It's my mom's anniversary today. I I gotta send out a message. I always forget their anniversary. So, they are out of town right now for their anniversary, my mom and dad. Let's see. So, I'm just cutting. I don't know. I think, I'm thinking four but we'll see how that does. Alright, y'all. Let me get my glue gun plugged in. Turned on. Okay. So, this is what it's going to end up looking like. We're just going to take our little pieces and lay them on to make a little ladder and I think I'm going to paint it white. Let's see. I may need another one. Think I need another. So, we'll do five. Little pieces. Can you see the top now, Irma or not Irma? Who said that? Kathleen. Okay. Yes. Five pieces will be good. Look how cute that is. Look how adorable. So, once my hot glue gun warms up, we'll put it together and I think we'll paint it I kind of thought about what is going on here. I sort of thought about doing some red stripes on it. What do you all think? Should I do that? I think that'll be pretty cute. So, I think I'm going to but I'm just going to do the upright pieces, okay? So, I'm going to go ahead and paint all the pieces I guess that way I can do the stripes. It'll be easier to do the stripes. Alright, I'm going to use my white paint that I just bought. Marcella, thank you for the stars. Thank you so much. Robin, they are out of town right now. They went to state park. Okay. Alright. So, let's just paint these real quick. I'm just going to do one quick coat of paint on them. And probably need to do both sides because it is going to be in a tiered tray so you'll probably be able to see both sides. Thank you, Lorita. I'm so glad you're watching. Love Me Some Nashville. It's one of my favorite places to visit. Didn't give myself enough paint y'all. Uh Rebecca, I'm not sure. I'm terrible y'all. Uh actually, let me just tell you, I'm I'm really bad with numbers and dates. So, I don't remember things like that. I don't know how I don't know how long Griffin was when he was born. I know how big he was because he was so big and it made an impression on me and he was so big he wouldn't come out naturally so he was 9 pounds3 ounces. So, that That's sort of ingrained in my head but as far as how tall he is, I can't remember how tall he was. Um but so I forget all of those things. I only know like people's birthday that are just absolutely closest to me. I don't know my grandparents' birthdays. I know a roundabout when they are but I don't know when they are. I couldn't tell you. I could not even tell you the day, honestly. Um so, I I'm just not good at stuff like that. It's not good with numbers. So, it's 30 something years. I I do believe. I do believe it's 30 something years. They've been married a long time. Mom and dad or high school sweethearts. So, they've been together a long time. Jean, I cut these jumbo craft sticks or giant craft sticks from Walmart. They are pretty large. They are one and a quarter inches wide by 10 inches tall and so I just cut them into little bitty pieces, little bitty strips with my ruler from Dollar Tree and a sharp utility knife. The Oh, I'm so sorry, Lorita. I I do slightly understand the struggle though. My grandmother had to have that happen and so we, you know, dealt with that for quite a few years but I'm so sorry. Yes and I hope your recovery is is good and smooth. All the things. Alright, here we go. Coat on the back as well. Go ahead and dry this. Jackie, the ruler is not in the craft section. The ruler from Dollar Tree is usually with the office supplies, the school supplies, those types of things. Alright and we need to I think I'm going to use this color which I've been using which is territorial beige but let me tell you guys, a lot of these paints that I have have been around for sometimes. So, I cannot guarantee that apple barrel still makes this color but it's apple barrel territorial beige and that's what I'm going to use for my gingerbread man. Okay. So, and these gingerbread men came from Dollar Tree. We're going to use those but First, we are going to paint our stripes onto our little ladder. So, I'm just going to do the long pieces. I'm not going to do the cross pieces, okay? And I am going to make, I'm going to use flag red for this. Okay, Amy says they do still make that color that she just bought some. So, awesome. Alright, I'm using this little brush here and I'm just going to make little hors or like diagonal stripes onto my little pieces and I'm going to stand them together I think. So, I can kind of make them match. That's my goal at least. I better be using my left tan though because I need a little bit more accuracy. Now, this doesn't have to be perfect of course but we're just going to make sort of a candy cane type of a stripe and you could tape these together on the back too if that made it a little bit easier So cute. Y'all I still have so much left to do in order to be ready to decorate for Christmas so y'all know that I'm doing a lot of these things when I'm live things that I need to do for my Christmas trees I'm going to be doing them live with y'all making ornaments and all kinds of things Alrighty. Last stripe down here at the bottom. Let's see here. Alright, I'm just going to go over a few of them just to smooth them out. Theresa, I can but I anything detailed where I need a steady hand, I can't. I've got to especially with stuff like this. Now, I can actually trim in walls with either hand. Just depends on what I'm doing. Just coming back and trying to just straighten some of em out. Maybe add a little bit of extra coverage as well to some of my little stripes. Trying to think of something else that you could do. If you had some thin washi tape that was red, you could totally use washi tape for this as well and maybe even with that or like some ribbon or something, maybe you could just twist it kind of just all the way up the ladder if you didn't want to paint it. But it really doesn't have to be perfect. Mine is not perfect. Good morning, Diane. Good afternoon, Diane. It's it's afternoon here. It's almost one o'clock which means I need to hustle my butt up. Okay. I think I'm calling it quits on that. I think that's good enough. Okay. So, I'm going to let this sit aside and dry. I'm going to go ahead and paint some gingerbread man. Men. Gingerbread men. See here. Actually, I think I'm not going to use that paper towel. Let me get a different one. Okay. So, I don't know how many I'm going to want but I do have five rungs. So, I think I'm going to do five gingerbread men and these are going to be very easy to do you guys. I'm just going to use my beige Just going to put it right in this cup. Okay and I'm just going to paint them real quick with the beige. And Dollar Tree in the same sort of style as these gingerbread men. They also have stars and snowflakes. It seems like there's oh bells. There's little bells as well which are super cute. I have only found the snow. I have found I haven't seen the bells. I've seen everything but the bells. Okay. So, just real quick, we're going to do that and then, I'm going to take just a small little brush and we're going to do some white for the icing. So, I'm just going to a little bit of white and we're just going to make that be for the icing on the I don't think I like this brush though. As I'm as I'm doing it, I'm thinking I don't like that brush. It's not small enough. Let's see if, okay, this one's bigger or better. It's more pointy so we can get a better line and we're just going to do a simple little stripe instead of like trying to do a squiggle or anything like that that's not necessary. I'm just doing a little stripe on the legs and on the arms. Just do it really quick and simple. Nothing extravagant here. Just make sure you got a thin little brush to do it with. If you wanted to do little squigglies, you totally could if you're comfy with that. I am not. So, just going to make some quick little I have cinnamon but I don't keep cinnamon up here. Everyone keeps saying that. I haven't tried it yet. I feel like I just sort of stick with the same thing that I'm comfortable with. Okay. There we go. Alright. So, then, we are just going to turn the brush around and I'm just going to do two little dots for the eyes. Um I just want to make sure this is the one I want to do because I want to make sure they are small dots. Let me see if I've got something. Okay, I think this would be better. So, one of these this is this is a pitiful brush but one of these little plastic brushes I think would be better and I'm just going to dip and we're just going to do two little eyes just two small little eyes here. And I'm trying to remember I have, I think I just maybe painted the mouth on. I'm like, I know I've made one of these before but I can't remember how I did it. And we will use a little bit of ribbon and just make a little bow to put around his neck. Okay, so that's the eyes. And then we'll do the same brush and we'll just make a just a really small little mouth. Just being very gentle with my brush trying to make sure it's not too thick but it's nice and small. Now, this is very delicate and my hand is shaking. Definitely shaken. A toothpick. Yes, that's a great idea. Okay. There we go. Done. Alright. So, let's dry all this and then we'll start putting it together. So this is one of those things. Um similar to the the little set of tiered tray things that I got from Walmart where you guys were like couldn't you make that? Yes I could. So it's just the same for this. This if you were to buy this it would probably cost you about five dollars. For the supplies it basically cost you less than a dollar. Um and so it you can make it for a lot cheaper it's just whether you want to spend the time doing it you know what I mean so with this it's really thank you Bonnie I do need some little red button it is it's really just up to you you know on on what you're willing to put the time into so I'm just going to use the back of this brush to just do the little red buttons and they're they're not supposed to be real big. So, you know, something like this works perfect. And you get a perfect circle every time. Okay. Let's finish drawing these. Cindy, I think paint markers probably would be too thick unless you can find like a fine line paint marker. Michelle, I wish I did but no, I got her from Walmart today and isn't she adorable and her legs are adjustable. Thank you to you followers for telling me that. I never would have known. Never would have known. Yes, y'all. Yes, Crystal. OMG, OMG. Yes, that I found that today. She was the only one and she's precious. She's so precious but she was $15. Only $15 at Walmart. I still can't believe it. I still cannot believe that she was only $15. Okay, for my gnome or my little gingerbread ornament. That is what I made the little gingerbread for, okay? So, I just took a little piece of yarn and made little bows for it. So, that's what we'll do but first, I'm going to go ahead and put together my ladder Alright, y'all. Look how cute that is. So, we did five rungs. And we just painted our upright pieces to look like a little peppermint stick. Okay. So, I'm just going to do. Let's see. Actually, here's what I think I'm going to do. I'm going to go ahead and lay it out so that I know it's the way that I want it to be and everything's evenly spaced before I start gluing them on. It's probably the better idea. This is going to be so cute y'all. Space em out a little bit more. Okay, there we go. That looks pretty good. Put just a dab of hot glue on each edge and then just glue it right to our sticks Two little dots of hot glue. Tammy, we are making a little gnome or not gnomes. I used to say gnomes. A little gingerbread man ladder for a tiered tray. So, our little gingerbread man are going to be climbing up this little ladder and then the tiered tray this is going to be sitting inside the tiered tray and leaning up towards that second layer of the tiered tray and I would show it to you but my tiered tray currently is full of Halloween things. Alright, ladder is done. How adorable. Look how cute y'all. How simple was that? Super simple and adorable. Really cute. Okay. It's got little glue pieces. Okay. So, our little gingerbread man. Y'all these colors. They just, I'm just loving these colors so much. So, we're just going to kind of have em just sort of like this. Just kind of, I think I'm going to do four actually instead of five and let me grab some yarn. See if I can make Uh where is my yarn? Just a second y'all. Let me find it. Here it is. Alright. So, I'm going to make some teesy tiny little bows. So, I'm just going to take, this is just Dollar Tree yarn and I'm going to make a bow and it's going to have to be a little bit bigger than what I want as I make it. I may, I need a bigger piece of yarn. Be a little easier. So, I'm just going to make a regular bow and I'm just going to keep making it smaller Feel like the gingerbread man has to have a bow. So, I just keep pulling my little little tails until it's as small as I want it and then I'll just cut off the tails and just hot glue it right on. Look how itty bitty, okay? Itty bitty little bow. Side. This side. It's the finished side. Oh my gosh. That's so cute and then I'm just going to hot glue it onto our ladder Goodness gracious. How cute. Hang on y'all. Let me do another one and I'll show you. Actually, I'm just going to do em all since they're all laying where I want em. So, I just make a bow. You can see how unpretty that is and then I just take the tail and just keep pulling it in, okay? So, we get a nice, small, little bow. Alright, see how I did that? Just nice and small. Okay? And then just cut off the tails once you get it the way you want it. So, you have a lot of excess yarn for this. Try not to put too much on the back of your bow. And I'm just putting hot glue right onto the ladder and then just gluing my little gingerbread man on Y'all this is going to be so stinking adorable. Oh my goodness. Why are gingerbread men so stinking cute? It's just this year that I've got developed a love for them. Okay. Here we go. It's our second one or a third one rather. I'm telling you, those little bows just finish it off. They're just so cute. Y'all know I love a bow but my goodness, those little yarn bows on those gingerbread man just truly make a difference. Okay. Last one and I think it's good. I was trying to think. I thought that I might need to add I don't know some greenery or something but I think it's I think it's cute just the way it is. Now if you're a glitter person you could add some glitter to it you could maybe do a little bit of fake snow or like that stuff that you can buy that is real thick like real thick like snow that you just sort of pile on you could put some of that snow text that's what it's called I think you could put some of that on the ladder that would be cute but I think I'm just going to stick with it like this because adorable. Oh my goodness. That is so cute. Yes, Tina. I agree. Nothing else. That is so cute though. I do think some snow like that snow text would be really cute to put on before you put your little gingerbread men on like maybe even on the little rungs of the ladder. Maybe like piled up sort of like right in here would be really cute. Um I don't have any of those so I'm going to just leave that off but I Love it just like this. I think it's adorable. Just as it is. So this is going to just in that bottom layer of my tiered tray. I'll just put this on and just excuse me. Lean it up against the second layer and that's going to be so adorable. So darn cute. Um Santa hats would be really cute Robin but I don't know I don't know how I would do that but honestly I have to go you guys I need to go get some lunch because I'm hungry and so anyways I'm glad you guys enjoyed this one I love this so cute and you know what else I really like is that stripes kind of the they follow each other well so I think that also makes it look super cute is that it just sort all I think the I'm glad I added the stripes to the ladder because I don't think it would have been near as cute if I didn't put the stripes on there if it was just white with the little gingerbread man it would be cute but the stripes really add a lot to it alright you guys thank you guys so much for watching I will see you all this afternoon love you all talk to you soon bye.
DIY Gingerbread Ladder for Tiered Tray | Check out the most adorable ladder using popsicle sticks. This is so cute for your Christmas tiered tray. | By The Celebration Co.
Dollar Tree Hot Cocoa Bar - Re-Fabbed
How to make a hot cocoa bar from Dollar Tree items! You don't have to be extravagant to have a beautiful little set up on the cheap! Check it out!
Faux Gingerbread, Hot Cocoa Large, Glass Mug, Fake Bake, Winter, Christmas, Chocolate, Holiday, Gift, Tiered Tray, photo prop, Candyland
Large Glass Mug, Gingerbread, Hot Chocolate, Winter, Fake Bake, Gift, Christmas, House Warming, Hostess Gift, display, Gingy Lover, Tiered Tray, Hot Cocoa