Linee Isostatiche
Linee Isostatiche
Linee Isostatiche
Il ferrocemento fu ideato e brevettato, attorno agli anni quaranta, da Pier Luigi Nervi[1];
durante il periodo fascista, infatti, in Italia l'impiego del calcestruzzo armato fu proibito
perché "non italico": sia l'acciaio che il legno per le casseforme venivano importati dall'estero.
Il brevetto di Nervi si basò sul ferciment, prodotto inventato dal francese Joseph-Louis Lambot
a metà dell'Ottocento e utilizzato prettamente per la costruzione di barche.
Con tale combinazione si riescono a realizzare delle lastre molto sottili (pochi centimetri) che
risultano molto elastiche, flessibili, resistenti alla fessurazione, duttili, leggere e
straordinariamente sagomabili in forme qualsiasi.
The red lines the primary isostatics, corresponding to the maximum principal bending moments,
and the blue lines represent the secondary isostatics, corresponding to the minimum principal
bending moments.
The concentrations of lines indicate convergence of the principal bending moment directions,
highlighted by the prescribed method of starting node generation. The grey and white outline
shows an approximate plan of the Gatti Wool Factory floor to illustrate the correlation between
the theoretical isostatics and the as-built rib pattern. The concentric secondary isostatics
produced around the column support at the bottom left of the quarter slab reflects the
reasoning for placing concentric curves of reinforcement around the column head and verifies
Nervi’s placement of the rib encircling the column head. The ribs emanating from the central
column also show close correlationAAto the generated primary isostatics.
2017/18 Docente Prof. Elena Benvenuti
PL Nervi, il ferrocemento, e le isostatiche
The red lines the primary isostatics, corresponding to the maximum principal bending moments,
and the blue lines represent the secondary isostatics, corresponding to the minimum principal
bending moments.
The concentrations of lines indicate convergence of the principal bending moment directions,
highlighted by the prescribed method of starting node generation. The grey and white outline
shows an approximate plan of the Gatti Wool Factory floor to illustrate the correlation between
the theoretical isostatics and the as-built rib pattern. The concentric secondary isostatics
produced around the column support at the bottom left of the quarter slab reflects the
reasoning for placing concentric curves of reinforcement around the column head and verifies
Nervi’s placement of the rib encircling the column head. The ribs emanating from the central
column also show close correlationAAto the generated primary isostatics.
2017/18 Docente Prof. Elena Benvenuti
PL Nervi, il ferrocemento, e le isostatiche