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Celestial Journeys: A Wanderhome Supplement
A Wanderhome supplement about the whimsy in the mundane.
Ship playbooks for seabound wanderers
The Wind Will Hear Us: A Wanderhome Supplement
The Aerial Adventures in Hæth
Plamy Benzyny Na Asfalcie
The Unlandian - A Playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome playbook for sea-faring creatures, lured to the surface…
Eric D
The Bizarre - A Wanderhome Playbook
An offbeat playbook for Wanderhome.
The Wrangler: a playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome playbook about Bug trainers, who prefer them to other Kith.
Eric D
Four Cozy Wanderhome Natures
Four Cozy Wanderhome Natures to explore: a Sauna, a Diner, a Moth Office, and an Arboretum
Kid Coraller
The Champion: A Playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome playbook about gamers and athletes…
Eric D
The Hero and The Villain (Retired) - a playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome playbook that asks what if legendary enemies decided to retire…together!
Eric D
The Seeker: a playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome playbook about questing for knowledge.
Eric D
The Hivemind - a playbook for Wanderhome
A horror themed playbook for Wanderhome
Lepidopterist - Wanderhome Playbook
A playbook for Wanderhome
The Fresh-Faced: a playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome Playbook about starting over.
Eric D
The Uprooted: a playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome playbook about being a plant.
Eric D
The Busker - a playbook for Wanderhome
A performer playbook for Wanderhome.
Andrew Aulenback
The Daemon - A Wanderhome Playbook
A playbook for the TTRPG Wanderhome about a fish out of water
The Gate - A Nature for Wanderhome
A liminal nature for Wanderhome
The Hearthfire - a Wanderhome playbook
A Crafty Playbook for Wanderhome
Caleb Cooper
Wanderhome (Stretch Goals)
Additional playbooks, natures, and recipes for the world of Wanderhome.
Possum Creek Games
Mapmaker's Roost -- A Wanderhome Nature -- FREE
A new Nature for use with Wanderhome by Possum Creek Games.
6 String Games
The Tailor - A Wanderhome Playbook
A homebrew playbook for Wanderhome.
The Shipwrecked - a Wanderhome Playbook
For animals from far away, or otherwise adrift. A third party playbook for Wanderhome.
Ben K Rosenbloom
The Medium - A Wanderhome Playbook
Playbook for Wanderhome revolving around themes of grief and death.
Yuri Runnel
The Maskot - a Wanderhome playbook
A (reluctant?) public-facing symbol playbook for Wanderhome
The Artisan - A Wanderhome Playbook
A playbook for Wanderhome
Dragon & Hoard - Wanderhome Natures
a sleeping dragon and a pile of things, two natures for the game Wanderhome
Summerwood Games
Wildfire - A Wanderhome Nature
A Desolate or Liminal nature for Wanderhome.
Caleb Cooper
Wanderhome: Hæth After Humans
A post-post-apocalyptic Wanderhome supplement
The Clown - A Wanderhome Playbook
A jovial third-party playbook for Wanderhome!
The Physik - a playbook for Wanderhome
A Wanderhome playbook of medical discovery.
Andrew Aulenback
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