Divia Indira
Hello! I'm Divia, Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) class of 2020 and currently pursuing Master of Communication degree at BINUS University Graduate Program.
Everything that I posted here was my individual assignment papers which have been assessed by the related lecturer(s). I searched many references for my assignments on trusted resources, so I'm sorry if the contents had similarity with another. I think I've put bibliography in every papers I made, so hopefully there' no any matters in the future. I wish my papers can help you at whatever you do. Do not copy-paste. And pardon for my English.
Have a nice day!
Address: South Jakarta, 12140
Everything that I posted here was my individual assignment papers which have been assessed by the related lecturer(s). I searched many references for my assignments on trusted resources, so I'm sorry if the contents had similarity with another. I think I've put bibliography in every papers I made, so hopefully there' no any matters in the future. I wish my papers can help you at whatever you do. Do not copy-paste. And pardon for my English.
Have a nice day!
Address: South Jakarta, 12140
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Kata kunci: pencemaran air, daya tampung lingkungan, sungai Ciliwung, normalisasi sungai.
Kata kunci: pencemaran air, daya tampung lingkungan, sungai Ciliwung, normalisasi sungai.