that's more like it とはどういう意味ですか?
it's better. it's more like it should be
that's more like it とはどういう意味ですか?
It means “that’s better.”
You are working on a project at your office. You don’t really like it, so you haven’t been trying very hard. Finally, you decide to put in some effort. Your boss notices and says,”That’s more like it!”
You have been trying a new recipe, but can’t make it taste right. One day, you add less flour, and it comes out perfect! “That’s more like it,” you could say to yourself.
You are working on a project at your office. You don’t really like it, so you haven’t been trying very hard. Finally, you decide to put in some effort. Your boss notices and says,”That’s more like it!”
You have been trying a new recipe, but can’t make it taste right. One day, you add less flour, and it comes out perfect! “That’s more like it,” you could say to yourself.
that's more like it とはどういう意味ですか?
When something has improved or is more satisfactory than it was before.
For example, you could be a bit cold in your house and your friend offers you a blanket, you could say, “that’s more like it!” to express that you feel better than you did before. You are more satisfied.
I hope this helps!
For example, you could be a bit cold in your house and your friend offers you a blanket, you could say, “that’s more like it!” to express that you feel better than you did before. You are more satisfied.
I hope this helps!
that’s more like it とはどういう意味ですか?
That's more how I like it.
That's more how I like it.
“plenty more to come.” とはどういう意味ですか?
it means that there will be more things happening in the future. or more troubles to overcome. It simply means that you have more objectives that you need to complete. the phrase could be both good and bad
It’s more like を使った例文を教えて下さい。
You can also use "(subject) more like" the same way even if you don't use "it".
"He's more like his mother than his father."
"She's more like a tyrant than a teacher."
"You're more like me than you think"
"That's more like a slap than a pat!"
You could respond to "He's a nice guy" with "He's more like an angel!" to exaggerate how nice you are saying he is.
Or respond to "He's a nice guy" with "He's more like a demon." if you disagree, and think he's actually very mean.
When used as a response, you can also skip the subject because it's inferred from the first statement.
So when responding to "It's raining!"
Instead of "It's more like storming!" it would be common to just say "More like storming!"
You could respond to the question "Is he nice?" with "More like fake." to mean you think he just pretends to be nice so that people like him.
In English we use a lot of referred/inferred/implied subjects when speaking. If the subject of a sentence has already been said in an earlier sentence, and everyone knows what it is, it can sound unnatural to repeat it.
"He's more like his mother than his father."
"She's more like a tyrant than a teacher."
"You're more like me than you think"
"That's more like a slap than a pat!"
You could respond to "He's a nice guy" with "He's more like an angel!" to exaggerate how nice you are saying he is.
Or respond to "He's a nice guy" with "He's more like a demon." if you disagree, and think he's actually very mean.
When used as a response, you can also skip the subject because it's inferred from the first statement.
So when responding to "It's raining!"
Instead of "It's more like storming!" it would be common to just say "More like storming!"
You could respond to the question "Is he nice?" with "More like fake." to mean you think he just pretends to be nice so that people like him.
In English we use a lot of referred/inferred/implied subjects when speaking. If the subject of a sentence has already been said in an earlier sentence, and everyone knows what it is, it can sound unnatural to repeat it.
‘어떠한 (문법, 단어선택 등) 표현이 더 자연스럽다’ 라고 말할때 more natural 말고도 표현 할 수 있는 다른 단어도 있나요..? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
“Flows better with the other words,” / “Sounds better in the sentence”
➀no more ~ than …
➁no more than~
➁no more than~
you can have no more than 3 pieces of cake.
there is no more than 2 people in your group.
there is no more than 2 people in your group.
…is more than I can~ を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Two boxes 'is more than I can deal with' .
This expression can be used when having more than what you need of something
This expression can be used when having more than what you need of something
‘seem more reasonable’ と ‘seem to be more reasonable’ はどう違いますか?
‘seem more reasonable’
seem to be more reasonable
The meaning is the same.
seem to be more reasonable
The meaning is the same.
“that’s more like it” と “I like it better” はどう違いますか?
Both can be used in different contexts, but if you’re making a direct comparison I would suggest “I like ___ better than ___”.
~more quickly than ~~ と ~more quick than はどう違いますか?
~more quickly than ~~ と ~more quick than はどう違いますか?
The difference is just that "~ more quickly than ~" has adverb in it ("quickly" is the adverb).
while "~ more quick than ~" is actually not correct. it should be "~ quicker than ~" because "quick" is an adjective and adjectives which have less than two syllables should be arranged "~er". examples : quicker, smaller, larger, bigger, closer, etc.
while "~ more quick than ~" is actually not correct. it should be "~ quicker than ~" because "quick" is an adjective and adjectives which have less than two syllables should be arranged "~er". examples : quicker, smaller, larger, bigger, closer, etc.
1:study more と 2:study harder はどう違いますか?
study more means you study longer study harder means you study with more effort it's often used as study harder not more meaning studying with more effort is more efficient than studying a lot
Как понять разницу между more, much ,much more は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
more - больше
much - много (по поводу неисчисляемых существительных)
much more - гораздо больше (даже по-русски иногда говорят "много больше")
I need more time = Мне нужно больше времени
I need much time = Мне нужно много времени (Носитель, думаю, вряд ли так построит фразу, но для примера сойдёт)
I need much more time = Мне нужно гораздо больше времени
much - много (по поводу неисчисляемых существительных)
much more - гораздо больше (даже по-русски иногда говорят "много больше")
I need more time = Мне нужно больше времени
I need much time = Мне нужно много времени (Носитель, думаю, вряд ли так построит фразу, но для примера сойдёт)
I need much more time = Мне нужно гораздо больше времени
more more は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
one more、want moreの発音を音声で教えてください。
Can you describe/explain more of it? この表現は自然ですか?
A better way to to say it is "could you describe/explain it in more detail?"
这篇文章我读得越多就懂得越透。 用英文the more 句型怎么说
The more I read this article, the more deeply I understood it.
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