nil とはどういう意味ですか?
It means "nothing" in Latin, and it is much more common in British English than in American English. More common uses are in sport scores ("6-nil") and some science settings ("nil by mouth," don't let the medical patient eat anything).
2 nil down とはどういう意味ですか?
Arsenal had a score of 0, the opponent had a score of 2. Arsenal scored 2, and it's a tie-score; 2-2.
three nil とはどういう意味ですか?
it is used in sport to indicate the score 3 - 0
nil を使った例文を教えて下さい。
“In the end, the score was one-nil” (used in sports, alternatively “one-zero”)
“All that [effort] for nil” (alternatively “all that for naught/nothing”)
“A big fat nil” (colloquial, alternatively “a big fat zero”)
Nil is not used very commonly, outside of sports like football. Nil is (apparently) a contraction of ‘nihil’ from Latin, meaning ‘nothing’. People more commonly use the actual word ‘nothing’, or naught, or zero depending on the context. You’d only ever really see ‘nil’ in eloquent contexts or sports.
“In the end, the score was one-nil” (used in sports, alternatively “one-zero”)
“All that [effort] for nil” (alternatively “all that for naught/nothing”)
“A big fat nil” (colloquial, alternatively “a big fat zero”)
Nil is not used very commonly, outside of sports like football. Nil is (apparently) a contraction of ‘nihil’ from Latin, meaning ‘nothing’. People more commonly use the actual word ‘nothing’, or naught, or zero depending on the context. You’d only ever really see ‘nil’ in eloquent contexts or sports.
practically nil を使った例文を教えて下さい。
The chances of her being there is practically nil(~)
The upside to a trade war is ~
Obesity in Japan is ~
This phrase is most commonly use with “chances”, like the first example.
The chances of a recover is ~
The chances of a success is ~
The upside to a trade war is ~
Obesity in Japan is ~
This phrase is most commonly use with “chances”, like the first example.
The chances of a recover is ~
The chances of a success is ~
nil を使った例文を教えて下さい。
It is not very common word because 'nil' = 'zero'/'nothing'. But I'll give you an example: The differences between the audio quality is nil.
nil と nought はどう違いますか?
They're both very rare words for "nothing" in US English. In UK English, "nought" is what they call the number 0.
nil と nought と zero と O はどう違いますか?
0 is part of the numeric system and I think can be considered to be primarily that
Zero and nought and naught are the verbal representatives of the idea of 0.
But nil means nothing, which is a different concept entirely, though it is often used as a synonym for naught/ nought
Zero and nought and naught are the verbal representatives of the idea of 0.
But nil means nothing, which is a different concept entirely, though it is often used as a synonym for naught/ nought
nil と love はどう違いますか?
love = 0 points, in tennis only
nil = 0, nothing
nil = 0, nothing
nil と null はどう違いますか?
nil と zero はどう違いますか?
Nil is slang for "zero" and "nothing". Zero is a number which refers to nothing.
When do you use "nil" instead of "zero" in American English?
When you're filling up a form and you see a blank that is either inapplicable to you or could be left empty, you can put in NIL to indicate that you do not have any useful information to put there, so as to show that you did not forget to fill out that blank.
For example, if you were a student, you can put NIL under "What is your monthly salary?".
You can also use NIL to represent scores. Like if A won B with a score of 3-0, you can say "Hey did you check out the game the other day? A won B three-nil."
You use 0 when the answer to the question is actually 0.
For example, if you were a student, you can put NIL under "What is your monthly salary?".
You can also use NIL to represent scores. Like if A won B with a score of 3-0, you can say "Hey did you check out the game the other day? A won B three-nil."
You use 0 when the answer to the question is actually 0.
"nil nil" in footbal vocabulary.
how do you use it in a sentence?
how do you use it in a sentence?
The match ended nil-nil.
It's still nil-nil.
The score's nil-nil
It's still nil-nil.
The score's nil-nil
(three nil zero) この表現は自然ですか?
(three nil zero) この表現は自然ですか?
Nil and zero mean the same thing . Instead you can say " three nil "
Example: "what was the score last night" "we won, three nil"
Or you can also say three to zero or three zero
Example: "what was the score last night" "we won, three nil"
Or you can also say three to zero or three zero
①I never give up what little hope I have if it's just about nil.
②The movie has what elements I'm after. この表現は自然ですか?
②The movie has what elements I'm after. この表現は自然ですか?
①I'll never give up what little hope I have about nil.
②The movie has elements I'm after.
②The movie has elements I'm after.
①I never give up what little hope I have if it's just about nil.
②The movie has what elements I'm after. この表現は自然ですか?
②The movie has what elements I'm after. この表現は自然ですか?
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