remember me とはどういう意味ですか?
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I can remember any further than 1970. とはどういう意味ですか?
実は、この文法が合ってないのです。 anyと言ったら、否定のcan'tが必要です。
I can't remember any further than 1970は
I can't remember any further than 1970は
remember とはどういう意味ですか?
Remember to do your homework! (宿題をやるのを覚えて)
I remember that when I was a child, my mom would often make me pancakes. (子供の頃、お母さんがパンケーキを作ってくれることを思い出す)
Remember to do your homework! (宿題をやるのを覚えて)
I remember that when I was a child, my mom would often make me pancakes. (子供の頃、お母さんがパンケーキを作ってくれることを思い出す)
I can only remember it when I write it down. とはどういう意味ですか?
They are not remembering their password. : )
People do say this but of course they are not remembering these passwords at all.
People do say this but of course they are not remembering these passwords at all.
I can't remember deciding to do that とはどういう意味ですか?
The person can not remember making the decision to do something.
I remember studying /I remember learning を使った例文を教えて下さい。
do you want examples for "remember " or what?
remember, think を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I remember how they looked.
I remember that time we went abroad.
I don't remember the word.
I think you are awesome.
I think a lot about things.
That guy doesn't think, he's impulsive.
I remember that time we went abroad.
I don't remember the word.
I think you are awesome.
I think a lot about things.
That guy doesn't think, he's impulsive.
remember を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Do you remember this?
How much do you remember?
Remember that!
I do not remember that time.
He can't remember anything!
She remembers that day.
How much do you remember?
Remember that!
I do not remember that time.
He can't remember anything!
She remembers that day.
remember を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Remember to turn off the gas before you leave.
"remember" を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Remember the Lord your God...
-book of Exodus
-book of Exodus
remember と recall と recollect はどう違いますか?
Remember = keep it in mind.
Recall = think again of something almost forgotten.
Recollect = to put pieces of information in your head together to make a complete story.
Recall = think again of something almost forgotten.
Recollect = to put pieces of information in your head together to make a complete story.
remember と recall はどう違いますか?
Both remember and recall means the same thing.
1. At the last minute I remembered that I forgot my wallet in the car.
2. While In the store I recalled that Dave wanted hamburgers for dinner.
1. At the last minute I remembered that I forgot my wallet in the car.
2. While In the store I recalled that Dave wanted hamburgers for dinner.
remember と remind はどう違いますか?
remember = bring something to mind; recall information in your brain
remind = make someone think about something
I remembered to bring the cake to Jessica's birthday party. (= I did not forget to do it; I was able to keep my responsibility in mind)
Bill reminded me to bring the cake to Jessica's birthday party. (= Bill told me to remember it)
Seeing the cakes at the grocery store reminded me to bring the cake to Jessica's birthday party. (= seeing the cakes made me think about it)
remind = make someone think about something
I remembered to bring the cake to Jessica's birthday party. (= I did not forget to do it; I was able to keep my responsibility in mind)
Bill reminded me to bring the cake to Jessica's birthday party. (= Bill told me to remember it)
Seeing the cakes at the grocery store reminded me to bring the cake to Jessica's birthday party. (= seeing the cakes made me think about it)
I don’t remember exactly what happened と I don’t remember what exactly happened と I don’t remember what happened exactly はどう違いますか?
I'm sorry I can't help, but Ill try to explain how I understand it haha
1) I don't remember exactly what happened.
It's like I don't know what actually happened and I don't understand.
2) I don't remember what exactly happened.
It's like I somewhat know what happened, but not in details. I don't remember clearly what happened, but I know the point.
3) I don't remember what happened exactly.
I think depending on the tone it can be eather similar to first or secound.
If you emphasize 'happened', it is similar to first, but if you emphasize 'exactly' it is more similar to secound.
That's how I see it haha
1) I don't remember exactly what happened.
It's like I don't know what actually happened and I don't understand.
2) I don't remember what exactly happened.
It's like I somewhat know what happened, but not in details. I don't remember clearly what happened, but I know the point.
3) I don't remember what happened exactly.
I think depending on the tone it can be eather similar to first or secound.
If you emphasize 'happened', it is similar to first, but if you emphasize 'exactly' it is more similar to secound.
That's how I see it haha
As you can remember と As you may remember はどう違いますか?
1. You do remember. Or the implication that you should remember. Or an example that is commonly known.
2. You may or may not remember. Emphasis on the word "may."
But the use of either could potentially change on what was to be read in between the lines.
2. You may or may not remember. Emphasis on the word "may."
But the use of either could potentially change on what was to be read in between the lines.
I’m worse then she or her? (I don’t remember:,0) は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Both are correct.
I am worse than she. Perfect grammar.
I am worse than her. Frequently used in spoken language.
I am worse than she. Perfect grammar.
I am worse than her. Frequently used in spoken language.
if I remember right は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
If I remember it correctly
remember は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
remember は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
remember は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
in case you wanted a speaking version haha
I remember it when I was a taxi driver , about 30 years ago. Most of taxi was named "Stellar" made by Hyundai and my first car that I received from my company was, named 'Pony 2' made by Hyundai as well. My car didn't turn the lights on of dashboard and made noise creams from all doors. One day in the early morning, I started to drive the car and faced a curved road but the handle and brake didn't work at all, in the end the car ran to straight and fly on the air and fell down a rice paddy. Luckily, I didn't get injury but I peed with my pants on. この表現は自然ですか?
Hi @goozz
Good story 👍
I made corrections for you:
I remember when I was a taxi driver, about 30 years ago; most taxis were named "Stellar" and made by Hyundai. The first car that I received from my company was named 'Pony 2' made by Hyundai as well. The lights on the dashboard didn’t turn on and it made creaking noises. One day in the early morning, I was driving the car towards a curved road but the steering and brakes didn't work at all! The car kept going straight and flew through the air then fell down a rice paddy. Luckily, I didn't get injured but I was so frightened that I peed myself!
Good story 👍
I made corrections for you:
I remember when I was a taxi driver, about 30 years ago; most taxis were named "Stellar" and made by Hyundai. The first car that I received from my company was named 'Pony 2' made by Hyundai as well. The lights on the dashboard didn’t turn on and it made creaking noises. One day in the early morning, I was driving the car towards a curved road but the steering and brakes didn't work at all! The car kept going straight and flew through the air then fell down a rice paddy. Luckily, I didn't get injured but I was so frightened that I peed myself!
I remember you told me you generally had high level after a medical checkup. I hope you are now in a better health condition. この表現は自然ですか?
since you listed several things, it sounds like you should say “I remember you told me you generally had high levels* after a/your medical checkup”
remember and remembered
I don’t remember all what she talked. この表現は自然ですか?
I don’t remember everything she said.
remember to tune in この表現は自然ですか?
It sounds natural.
"tune in" means to watch a tv show or listen to a radio show.
Yeah, you're right. It also means to "fix"/ "adjust" the radio and television channel.
I think you know this already, but I'll write it for other learners who may read this.
In the past(and maybe even nowadays) televisions and radios had knobs that you had to turn to adjust the channel to get it to the show you wanted to watch/listen to.
Definition of "tune in":
to adjust (a receiver circuit such as a radio or television) to the frequency of the required signal.
It sounds natural.
"tune in" means to watch a tv show or listen to a radio show.
Yeah, you're right. It also means to "fix"/ "adjust" the radio and television channel.
I think you know this already, but I'll write it for other learners who may read this.
In the past(and maybe even nowadays) televisions and radios had knobs that you had to turn to adjust the channel to get it to the show you wanted to watch/listen to.
Definition of "tune in":
to adjust (a receiver circuit such as a radio or television) to the frequency of the required signal.
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