u can't beat that kind of rush. とはどういう意味ですか?
I can't be sure without more context, but they probably mean "rush of adrenaline"
You're body produces a chemical called adrenaline when it thinks it needs to be alert.
The person is saying there is no better feeling than when you are doing something daring like sky diving or riding a roller coaster and the adrenaline rushes through their system.
You're body produces a chemical called adrenaline when it thinks it needs to be alert.
The person is saying there is no better feeling than when you are doing something daring like sky diving or riding a roller coaster and the adrenaline rushes through their system.
have u not been able to fall asleep cuz of thinking about crash
また,これはおかしい文ですか? とはどういう意味ですか?
また,これはおかしい文ですか? とはどういう意味ですか?
@jin_miy I'm not sure exactly.
"Have (you) not been able to fall asleep (because) of thinking about~"
It's asking whether the reason you can't fall asleep is ~
But I'm not sure what crash is in this context. "Crash"の意味は分からない
"Have (you) not been able to fall asleep (because) of thinking about~"
It's asking whether the reason you can't fall asleep is ~
But I'm not sure what crash is in this context. "Crash"の意味は分からない
u freaked me out とはどういう意味ですか?
@madtacher That would be a great example. Another one would be like a guy stares at a girl so she tells her friend, "That guy is freaking me out."
Don't get the phrase "To freak somebody out" with "to freak out" though because the second one means to go crazy or act irrational.
Don't get the phrase "To freak somebody out" with "to freak out" though because the second one means to go crazy or act irrational.
He’s prolly trying to pull u とはどういう意味ですか?
It is slang, the meaning of the sentence is "He is trying to date/flirt with you" or "He is trying to make you his girlfriend/boyfriend". It can vary a bit but the overall meaning is the same.
I got u babe とはどういう意味ですか?
I got u = I got you = I've got your back
babe = affectionate term
babe = affectionate term
do u guys say “what a hard day “ or “what a long day “ when ur tired doing something like exercise ? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Neither one really works, since they are more naturally used to describe emotional difficulty. In the situation you are describing, I might say “exhausting” or “tiring”. If you absolutely have to use either long or hard... I would pick hard. But, again, it’s not very natural.
pushes u to the limits or drives u to the limits を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Working very hard is pushing it to the limits. Being driven to the limits means that you are being tested or you are very stressed out and are about to break or snap
You sometimes use No as yes(,I don’t ). When do u use it?? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Unfortunately it's a bit more complicated >_<. If Person B says "Yes, I really don't like them", it would still mean that they really don't like them.
BUT if the following conversation happens:
Person A: You don't like oranges, do you?
Person B: Yes, I do.
Here, Person B disagrees and says that in fact, they do like oranges.
The way to understand this is the following:
Person A: You don't like oranges, do you?
Person B: No, I really don't like them.
- Person A is asking a negative question "you don't, do you"
- Person B needs to reply with either a negative answer "no", or with a "yes" (but then they would usually add "I don't" to make it a reply to a negative question)
Here, on the other hand:
Person A: You don't like oranges, do you?
Person B: Yes, I do.
- Person A asks a negative question
- Person B answers positively (doesn't add "I don't" to make it negative), thus it makes it the opposite of what Person A said. So he's disagreeing.
You can imagine it as if Person B omitted part of the answer (the full one being "yes, **in fact**, I do").
BUT if the following conversation happens:
Person A: You don't like oranges, do you?
Person B: Yes, I do.
Here, Person B disagrees and says that in fact, they do like oranges.
The way to understand this is the following:
Person A: You don't like oranges, do you?
Person B: No, I really don't like them.
- Person A is asking a negative question "you don't, do you"
- Person B needs to reply with either a negative answer "no", or with a "yes" (but then they would usually add "I don't" to make it a reply to a negative question)
Here, on the other hand:
Person A: You don't like oranges, do you?
Person B: Yes, I do.
- Person A asks a negative question
- Person B answers positively (doesn't add "I don't" to make it negative), thus it makes it the opposite of what Person A said. So he's disagreeing.
You can imagine it as if Person B omitted part of the answer (the full one being "yes, **in fact**, I do").
must/could/should/can/may/have to
Thank u in advance!😇 を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Thank u in advance!😇 を使った例文を教えて下さい。
You must do this(must usually used to give an order or a command). I must do my homework(basically means l have to do it but must implies that you really have to do it). Could you tell me the answer to the question (could and can basically means the same thing except could it is a more polite way better to use if you don't know the person you're talking to that well). Should I do my homework or should I not
(Also you could say) I should do my homework. Can you shut up. May I go to the bathroom or may I be excused (may is more like when you're asking a person if can do something you can still use can in my last 2 examples but may is more polite.
(Also you could say) I should do my homework. Can you shut up. May I go to the bathroom or may I be excused (may is more like when you're asking a person if can do something you can still use can in my last 2 examples but may is more polite.
Can u say in audio
Please :) を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Please :) を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I am studying for my test.
The new semester is starting.
I will be staying home tonight.
The new semester is starting.
I will be staying home tonight.
can u repeat it again ? と can u repeat that again? はどう違いますか?
They are the same.
Why don't u like it? と Why do u not like it? はどう違いますか?
@Echo80s they both mean the same thing, but “why don’t you like it” is a shorter more natural way of saying it, but the other one works as well.
Can u find my pen? と Can u find out my pen? はどう違いますか?
We wouldn't say "can you find out my pen".
u being the fish と u are the fish はどう違いますか?
Off the top of my head, "X being Y" has two uses:
(1) It emphasizes that X=Y. This is used when there might be misunderstandings, or when the speaker forgot to say something.
"When I say "fish" I mean "you." I'm not the fish."
(2) It connects sentences. "X being Y, Z" can mean "Because X is Y, Z" or "X is Y, so Z."
"You are the fish, so I am not the fish."
This looks like (1). 😊
(1) It emphasizes that X=Y. This is used when there might be misunderstandings, or when the speaker forgot to say something.
"When I say "fish" I mean "you." I'm not the fish."
(2) It connects sentences. "X being Y, Z" can mean "Because X is Y, Z" or "X is Y, so Z."
"You are the fish, so I am not the fish."
This looks like (1). 😊
How are u? と How do u do? はどう違いますか?
"How do you do?" is more formal. I haven't really heard anyone use it nowadays.
"How are you?" on the other hand, is casual. You can use in a conversation with anybody.
"How are you?" on the other hand, is casual. You can use in a conversation with anybody.
“yall what do u think whose fault is that?
the context is ..the singer started singing before the band i don’t know how i explain it but it was a mistake but we don’t know whose fault is that so i wanna ask it in a jokey funny way so pls help me with it は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
the context is ..the singer started singing before the band i don’t know how i explain it but it was a mistake but we don’t know whose fault is that so i wanna ask it in a jokey funny way so pls help me with it は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Y'all, whose fault do you think that is?
Hey, guys, whose fault do you think that is?
Hey, guys, whose fault do you think that is?
How do u say the noun of when two people are arguing and screaming at each other? は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
domestic ?
See the below definition taken from google
Domestic abuse is typically manifested as a pattern of abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship, where the abuser exerts power and control over the victim. Domestic abuse can be mental, physical, economic or sexual in nature
See the below definition taken from google
Domestic abuse is typically manifested as a pattern of abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship, where the abuser exerts power and control over the victim. Domestic abuse can be mental, physical, economic or sexual in nature
How are u? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
how do u say “chấm hết, không nói nhiều” in english 🗿??? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Point blank. End of story. Periodt.
Nhiều cách nói ~
Nhiều cách nói ~
Could u give me another words of (happy) and (sad) that are used in daily US conversation? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Oh cool tysm!!!
could u help finish this?
for q8, the answer is "to keep in step with"
for q9, it's "to lay down"
for q10, i dont know bc none of the verbs sound right
for q9, it's "to lay down"
for q10, i dont know bc none of the verbs sound right
could u please check it. I wanna send it to my friend (not a friend, maybe a fellow?) on his birthday
"We don't talk at all but I believe that you're a cool guy. Happy Birthday! Respect you as always👍
please help me to write natively🥺🥺
"We don't talk at all but I believe that you're a cool guy. Happy Birthday! Respect you as always👍
please help me to write natively🥺🥺
No no no! Nothing like that. Thanks for explaining – it helps.
Here’s my “naturalised“ version of what you have written –
I know we don’t talk much, but I think you’re a cool guy. Respect, as always – and Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
What do you think?
No no no! Nothing like that. Thanks for explaining – it helps.
Here’s my “naturalised“ version of what you have written –
I know we don’t talk much, but I think you’re a cool guy. Respect, as always – and Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
What do you think?
is it correct?
it should be “why are u looking at my phone” right?
it should be “why are u looking at my phone” right?
Omitting "to be" can give a more confrontational, assertive sense, due perhaps to the staccato feel of consecutive accented words. For example:
"What you gapin' at?"
feels more confrontational than:
"What are you looking at?"
You might be interested in Ebionics, a vernacular without "to be", and with other departures from conventional English:
"What you gapin' at?"
feels more confrontational than:
"What are you looking at?"
You might be interested in Ebionics, a vernacular without "to be", and with other departures from conventional English:
since when did u consider me as ur friend let alone best friend?
Does it make sense? Can you correct? (*casually texting, I'm joking to my close friend)
Does it make sense? Can you correct? (*casually texting, I'm joking to my close friend)
since when have u ever considered me ur friend, let alone ur best friend
I was matched with u in the game for the first time today! thx! この表現は自然ですか?
× I was matched with u in the game for the first time today! thx!
✓ I matched u in a game for the first time today! Thanks!
✓ I matched u in a game for the first time today! Thanks!
- 友達にコンピュータの使え方を紹介しました どうしてこれ不正解ですか
- めっちゃカッコいい人がいたのね と めっちゃカッコいい人がいたね と 重いね&重いんだね はどう違いますか?
- As a hobby, I crochet は 日本語 で何と言いますか?
- 勝手に(行列に)割り込んでくるのってやっぱり腹が立つよね 自然ですか?
- これからは従業員パスを返しに事務所に行くんだけど、もうちょっと待っててくれる?一緒に事務所に行ってもいいよ! この表現は自然ですか?
- 「この私、坊ちゃんのサポートをさせていただく覚悟でおりますれば…」で 「覚悟でおりますれば」はどういう意味ですか? 特に「おりますれば」の方がイマイチです。 とはどういう意味ですか?
- 「好きになったら、全部好きになりません」この文はどう言う意味ですか?文字通りで否定的な意味ですか?
- お前いわなあかんことあるやろ とはどういう意味ですか?
- ごめんなさい。Aさんとはご縁を感じていますが、今回は見送らせていただきます。 ここの「見送る」は「Aさんを断った」というニュアンスですか?
- What does ポチる mean? Context: 1) かわいいワンピースをポチった 2) 新しいスマホ、ついポチってしまった