Papers by Xolyigit Xolmurodov
This article will focus on the artistic interpretation of the image of Shirin in the lyrical mott... more This article will focus on the artistic interpretation of the image of Shirin in the lyrical motto of Alisher Navoi "Ғаройиб ус сиғар". It reveals the symbolic and figurative images that this image represents.
In this article it is devoted to the issue of artistic interpretation of the images of Vomik and ... more In this article it is devoted to the issue of artistic interpretation of the images of Vomik and Uzro Alisher Navoi's poetry. In this work, Alisher Navoi reveals the phenomenon of image transformation in poetry on the example of the symbols of Vomik, Uzra, and comments on its artistic and aesthetic features. The article provides a scientific analysis of the poetic landscapes expressed in the lyrical divans "Бадое' ул-бидоя", "Наводир ун-нихоя" through the symbols of Vomik and Uzra.
Ushbu maqolada Alisher Navoiy she"riyatining badiiy obrazlar olami bilan bog"liq masalalar yoriti... more Ushbu maqolada Alisher Navoiy she"riyatining badiiy obrazlar olami bilan bog"liq masalalar yoritib berilgan. Unda shoir she"riyatida tasvir etilgan "shaxs-siymo" badiiy obrazlarining muvoziy talqin etilishi muammosiga e"tibor qaratilgan. Bunday timsol-obrazlarning muvoziy qo"llanishidagi adabiy qonuniyatlar va badiiy-estetik o"ziga xosliklar atroflicha tadqiq etilgan. Shuningdek, obrazlar muvoziy tasvirlanishida shoir mahorati va she"r badiiyati masalalari ilmiy tahlil qilingan. Kalit so'zlar: mumtoz she"riyat, Alisher Navoiy lirikasi, lirik janrlar, badiiy obraz, ramziy timsol, siymo obrazlari, muvoziy tasvir, badiiyat, badiiy talqin.
Buyuk shoir va mutafakkir, atoqli davlat va jamoat arbobi Alisher Navoiyning bebaho ijodiy-ilmiy ... more Buyuk shoir va mutafakkir, atoqli davlat va jamoat arbobi Alisher Navoiyning bebaho ijodiy-ilmiy merosi nafaqat xalqimiz, balki jahon adabiyoti tarixida, milliy madaniyatimiz va adabiy-estetik tafakkurimiz rivojida alohida o'rin tutadi. Ulug' shoir o'zining she'riy va nasriy asarlarida yuksak umuminsoniy g'oyalarni, ona tilimizning beqiyos so'z boyligi va cheksiz ifoda imkoniyatlarini butun jozibasi va latofati bilan namoyon etib, yer yuzidagi millionlab kitobxonlar qalbidan munosib va mustahkam o'rin egalladi. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev Бесценное творческое и научное наследие великого поэта и мыслителя, известного государственного и общественного деятеля Алишера Навои играет важную роль в истории не только отечественной, но и мировой литературы, развитии национальной культуры и литературно-эстетического мышления. В своих лирических и прозаических произведениях великий поэт, воспевая высокие общечеловеческие идеи, демонстрировал богатый лексический запас и выразительные средства родного языка, благодаря чему занял достойное место в сердцах миллионов читателей по всему миру. Президент Республики Узбекистан Шавкат Миромонович Мирзиёев The invaluable creative and scientific heritage of the great poet and thinker, famous statesman and public figure Alisher Navoi has a special place not only in the history of our people, but also in the history of world literature, the development of our national culture and literary and aesthetic thinking. The great poet, in his poetic and prose works, with his whole charm and grace, has taken a worthy place in the hearts of millions of readers around the world, expressing the high universal ideas, the incomparable richness of words and the infinite possibilities of expression of our native language.
Shavkat Safarovich Sharipovpedagogika f.d., professor MAS'UL KOTIB Farrux Aqchayev-tarix f.f.d., ... more Shavkat Safarovich Sharipovpedagogika f.d., professor MAS'UL KOTIB Farrux Aqchayev-tarix f.f.d., dotsent TARJIMONLAR: Zubayda Jumayeva-filologiya f.b.f.d.(PhD) , dotsent (rus tili bo'yicha) Eldar Hasanov-filologiya f.b.f.d.(PhD) Anora Jabborova-filologiya f.b.f.d. (PhD), dotsent (ingliz tili bo'yicha) Dildora Baxriddinova-katta o'qituvchi (ingliz tili bo'yicha) TEXNIK MUHARRIR: Feruza Jumayeva-filologiya f.b.f.d., dotsent NAVBATCHI MUHARRIR: Murodulla Jo'rayev-filologiya f.f.d., (PhD) , dotsent SAHIFALOVCHILAR Zulayxo Shakarova Jurnal andozasi Raqamli ta'lim texnologiyalari markazida Zarina Abdusattorova tomonidan tayyorlandi Muassis-Jizzax davlat pedagogika universiteti Jurnal yilda 4 marta (har chorakda) chop etiladi. Matnlarda foydalanilgan iqtibos va ma'lumotlar aniqligi uchun mualliflar mas'uldirlar. Jurnaldan ko'chirib olinganda, manba qayd etilishi shart. Jurnal O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasi huzuridagi Oliy Attestatsiya komissiyasining filologiya, falsafa va pedagogika fanlari bo'yicha ekspert kengashi (2018-yil 29-dekabrdagi 260/6-son bayonnomasi) tavsiyasi bilan ilmiy nashrlar ro'yxatiga kiritilgan.
In this scientific article, the phenomenon of transformation of images and symbols in Alisher Nav... more In this scientific article, the phenomenon of transformation of images and symbols in Alisher Navoi's "Badoyi' ul-bidoya" divan is studied as a unique poetic problem. In it, the study of the issue is revealed as an example of the analysis of the ideological and artistic scenes expressed through the characters of Farhad and Shirin in the poet's divan. At the same time, in classical poetry, there are opinions about the specific laws of imagesymbol transformation and its artistic-aesthetic features.
The collection consists of scientific research of scientists, graduate students and students who ... more The collection consists of scientific research of scientists, graduate students and students who took part in the International Scientific online conference "INNOVATION IN THE MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM". Which took place in Washington on December 25, 2023. Conference proceedings are recomanded for scientits and teachers in higher education esteblishments. They can be used in education, including the process of postgraduate teaching, preparation for obtain bachelors' and masters' degrees. The review of all articles was accomplished by experts, materials
The collection consists of scientific research of scientists, graduate students and students who ... more The collection consists of scientific research of scientists, graduate students and students who took part in the International Scientific online conference "INNOVATION IN THE MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM". Which took place in Washington on December 25, 2023. Conference proceedings are recomanded for scientits and teachers in higher education esteblishments. They can be used in education, including the process of postgraduate teaching, preparation for obtain bachelors' and masters' degrees. The review of all articles was accomplished by experts, materials
Papers by Xolyigit Xolmurodov