Papers by Hassan Abdullahi (Babaldu)
Jurnal elektrika, Dec 25, 2023
This paper presents the review of error correction in 2D shingled magnetic detection. Shingled ma... more This paper presents the review of error correction in 2D shingled magnetic detection. Shingled magnetic recording is one of the techniques proposed in literature for increasing the storage density of magnetic hard disk drive (HDD) due to the number of overwhelming advantages of shingled writing. The success of this technique lies with a proper signal processing and data update approach. In this paper, shingled magnetic recording and two-dimensional magnetic recording has been studied and the current researches done in the two areas has been reviewed with emphasis on elimination of inter-track-interference and inter-symbol-interference. In the reviewed articles studied, a summary was provided on each article depicting the technique adopted and the performance metrics of each of the articles. Summary was provided at the end of the article on the techniques reviewed based on the existing body of knowledge.
World Automation Congress, 2004
Thcrrnal spray coatings on basic matcrials of acro-cnginc componcnts arc indispcnsablc for prolon... more Thcrrnal spray coatings on basic matcrials of acro-cnginc componcnts arc indispcnsablc for prolonging lifc and improving cflicicncy. Thcrmal spray proccsscs arc cxtrcmcly complcx; thcrcforc it is impossiblc to rcprcscnt thcm accuratcly cnough in a traditional modcl, hcncc somc rcliablc simulation. In this rcscnrch work it will bc shown how such proccsscs can bc rcprcscntcd with an artificial ncural nctwork that
In this research work, a new method will be pre-sented that has been developed for a two-spool en... more In this research work, a new method will be pre-sented that has been developed for a two-spool engine with afterburner. As input the method uses parameters, which are already being measured with the standard instrumentation of the engine. With this method an in-flight online check ...
CrystEngComm, 2020
Classical nucleation theory teaches the idea that molecular clusters form and grow in solution an... more Classical nucleation theory teaches the idea that molecular clusters form and grow in solution and that depending on prevailing conditions there is a chance for some to grow large enough to overcome the interfacial energy penalty and become mature crystals. However, from such a kinetic analysis, nothing is learnt of the nature of the composition or the molecular packing in such clusters. As a means of addressing this shortcoming consideration has, in the past, been given to the idea that in certain systems crystallography may offer additional, structural, insights. From this approach the notions of 'nucleation pathway' or 'nucleation transition state' have become useful concepts around which to formulate hypotheses as to how clusters may yield specific molecular packing, resulting for example, in the observation of crystal polymorphs. Here we offer an in-depth crystallographic analysis related to the nucleation of the α and β polymorphs of para-aminobenzoic acid in an attempt to reveal the pathways leading to the two forms. Using a combination of CSD analyses, crystal structure prediction and targeted crystallizations we explore plausible solution pathways to these polymorphs and discuss our results in the light of known kinetic data for the nucleation and growth of this material.
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Journal of Digital Learning and Education
The study determines the Pedagogical challenges facing the teaching of business studies in Bauchi... more The study determines the Pedagogical challenges facing the teaching of business studies in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised 248 business studies teachers from secondary schools in Bauchi State. Since the population size is manageable, the researchers used all populations. The researchers developed a structured questionnaire for data collection. The instrument was validated by two experts from the rank of senior lecturer and above in the department of Test and Measurement of Nasarawa State University, Keffi. Cronbach Alpha method was used to test the reliability of the instrument which yielded a coefficient value of 0.77. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while a t-test was used to test the two null hypotheses formulated for the study at 0...
Priming är ett sätt att studera hur det implicita minnet fungerar och påverkar oss. I den här stu... more Priming är ett sätt att studera hur det implicita minnet fungerar och påverkar oss. I den här studien undersöktes priming vid ordstamskomplettering och hur presenterat ord respektive icke presenterat ord påverkar priming. Syftet med studien var att undersöka och analysera priming vid ordstamskomplettering. Frågeställningen i studien har varit: Vilken inverkan har ett presenterat respektive icke presenterat ord vid priming? Hypotesen var att deltagarna skulle komplettera fler ord från den lista som de har sett än från den lista som de inte har sett. Tolv deltagare var med i studien mellan åldrarna 21 och 28 år. Resultatet från experimentet stödjer hypotesen. SPSS paired samples analysis visade att resultatet var signifikant, vilket stödjer hypotesen att det uppstår priming vid ordstamskomplettering
The study examines the relationship between fiscal deficit financing and interest rate in Nigeria... more The study examines the relationship between fiscal deficit financing and interest rate in Nigeria from 1970 to 2011. It employed vector error correction techniques on the variables, fiscal deficit financing (FDEF), Interest rate, (INT), Money Supply (MS) and Exchange rate (EXCR). The techniques were adopted in order to examine the long run relationship and their direction of causality existing between the variables under study. Based on model approach, preliminary investigation on the time series reveals stationary using Augmented Dikey Fuller at first difference. Co-integration results show a stable long-run equilibrium condition between the variables under study, Granger causality test was also conducted in order to examine the direction of causality between the variables. The VECM estimates revealed that there is a strong relationship between the variables and the lag values. Based on these findings, the study recommends that policy makers should control interest rates for the de...
Money, Financial Intermediation and Governance
Transthyretin-related amyloidosis (ATTR) is a disease involving the formation of a misfolded tran... more Transthyretin-related amyloidosis (ATTR) is a disease involving the formation of a misfolded transthyretin (TTR) protein and resulting insoluble aggregates that deposit in extracellular regions of various tissues and organs. There are hereditary forms of the disease, referred to as ATTRm, and more than 100 TTR amyloid-forming mutants have been reported. The major goal of this work was to analyze the biochemical and biophysical properties of a unique and recently identified TTR mutant protein, TTR Glu51_Ser52dup, found in a patient with ATTRm. Unlike other single nucleotide replacements that have been described as amyloidogenic, the gene abnormality in the present case is the first identification of a TTR duplication mutation. The patient with TTR Glu51_Ser52dup exhibited an extremely aggressive form of ATTRm; clinical symptoms included peripheral neuropathy at baseline evaluation and rapid disease progression to early death from pneumonia and congestive heart failure. We hypothesized that the TTR Glu51_Ser52dup variant would be less stable than the wild-type protein and similar in stability to another highly amyloidogenic mutant, TTR L55P; moreover, the highly unstable nature of this TTR variant would provide a basis for understanding the extremely aggressive clinical phenotype observed in this case. Using Escherichia coli (E. coli) as an expression system and an appropriately modified expression vector, we produced histidine-tagged recombinant human TTR Glu51_Ser52dup protein in high yield and purified to homogeneity. Structural and stability studies were performed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and SDS-PAGE analysis. We demonstrated that TTR Glu51_Ser52dup was less stable than the wild-type or L55P proteins when measured under different types of denaturing conditions, including thermal and chemical stress. The presence of diflunisal, a drug that stabilizes tetrameric TTR and is currently approved for treatment of ATTRm, was also investigated; our results indicated that diflunisal stabilized the TTR Glu51_Ser52dup protein. Collectively, the data obtained from these studies suggest that Glu51_Ser52dup is one of the least stable and most amyloidogenic TTR variant described to date. Future investigations are necessary to determine which specific structural elements of the protein destabilize the TTR tetramer, and precisely characterize the binding of small molecules, including diflunisal, to the protein
International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2021
In vitro anti-malarial activity of petroleum ether extracts of Ficus sycomorus leaves was investi... more In vitro anti-malarial activity of petroleum ether extracts of Ficus sycomorus leaves was investigated using Candle Jar method. The extractions were carried out through activity guided fractionation. Petroleum ether extract has the highest activity, at the concentration of 1mg and 0.5mg with percentage growth inhibition of (33.12 and 31.9%) respectively. These results suggest that the leaves of Ficus sycomorus plant have significant antimalarial activity and that the antiplasmodial agents might be as a result of the extract fractionated using the petroleum.
Asian Journal of Research and Reviews in Physics, 2020
This study assessed gamma radiation from 232Th, 226Ra and 40K. Twelve soil samples collected from... more This study assessed gamma radiation from 232Th, 226Ra and 40K. Twelve soil samples collected from the study area were analyzed using Nal (TI) detector. Mean concentration for 40K, 232Th and 226Ra were found to be 483.97±7.32 Bq/kg, 28.43±5.30 Bq/kgS and 66.84±2.02 Bq/kg respectively. Absorbed Dose Rate ranged from 44.85 nGy/h to 90.71 nGy/h with a mean of 73.68 nGy/h. Effective Dose Rate ranged from 0.055 to 0.111 msv/yr with a mean of 0.090 mSv/y. The Internal and External Hazard Indices ranged from 0.271 to 0.533 Bq/kg with the mean of 0.435 Bq/kg and 0.289 to 0.675 Bq/kg with the mean of 0.512 Bq/kg respectively. It can thus be concluded that the radiation dose of the study area is minimal and seems to have low exposure for the inhabitants in and around the contaminated areas. It is therefore recommended that regular radiation monitoring exercises should be conducted on the processing sites to prevent the inhabitants of the area from high radiation exposure due to direct inhalati...
Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports, 2020
This study has established local diagnostic reference levels (LDRLs). Dose report and scan parame... more This study has established local diagnostic reference levels (LDRLs). Dose report and scan parameters for the head was assessed during seven months at the three study centres. Data on CT Dose index (CTDIw) and dose length product (DLP) available and achieved on CT scanner control console was recorded for a minimum of 10 average-sized patients for each facility to establish a local Diagnostic reference level (LDRLs) and radiation dose optimization Data was collected using a purposive sampling technique, from 131 adult patients weighing 70±3kg) from Philip brilliance, Toshiba Alexion and General Electric (GE) CT scanners for this study. The collected data were analyzed using SPPSS version (20) statistical software. Third quartile values of the estimated LDRLs for CTDIw and DLP was determined as 49.8 mGy and 9639 mGy. The mean CTDIw obtained are lower to the reported data from the European Commission of 60mGy. The mean DLP are comparably lower than all the reported value from the Europ...
Papers by Hassan Abdullahi (Babaldu)