11 Pins
4 Really Cool Ways Teachers Use Post-it Notes in the Classroom - S&S Blog
I love Post-it notes! I don’t think a day goes by when I don’t write on one. I’ve found some pretty cool ideas that teachers are using in their classroom and wanted to share.
60+ Themes for Classrooms at the Elementary Level in 2021 | Clutter-Free Classroom | by Jodi Durgin
If PATRIOTIC CLASSROOM THEME IDEAS are what you need, you'll find inspiration here. This patriotic theme classroom decor page includes FREE PRINTABLES, photos, and lots of ideas for decorations, bulletin boards, and more. You can use these ideas with America, Americana, social studies, American or flags themed classrooms as well.
8 Ways to Decorate Your Secondary Classroom - American Board Blog
How to decorate a 6-12 classroom without coming across as juvenile or boring. Great resource for teachers!
Laptops and Texting Banned In My Classes
For my History Class. This would be great Modified to say, I want YOU to put away your cell phone (since sometimes we use them)