Self care

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Self Care: Creating a Self-Soothing Box | Hypermobility Connect
Creating a Self-Soothing Box {Hypermobility Connect} #hypermobility #occupationaltherapy #hypermobilityspectrumdisorders #hsd #hypermobileEDS #positivehelpforhypermobility
How to Quit Sugar as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) — Happy Highly Sensitive Life
As an Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), my psychological and physical attachment to sugar was real. Sugar soothes stress by slowing the production of stress hormones and releasing a feel-good neurotransmitter. But eating sugar makes HSPs more anxious and vulnerable. Here are 14 tips for getting sugar out of your life once and for all.#quitsugar #hsp
Pieter (haasbroekpieter) - Profile | Pinterest
Use these 41 self-care ideas to improve your mental health and well-being. #selfcare #selflove #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #wellbeing #AmericanHighSchool #onlinemiddleschool #OnlineHomeSchool
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Sh*t Done - Elise McDowell
In an ideal world, we would all wake up ready to take on the world, feeling motivated and extremely energized. We would work hard, hustle and give 100% until it’s time to go to bed and repeat it all over...READ MORE
10 Solid Steps To Stop Feeling Undeserving Of Good Things - aimlief
Learn how to stop feeling undeserving of good things and start feeling like you deserve what you want in life; the things that you truly want with all your heart. how to help yourself | how to get unstuck in life | self improvement | how to better yourself as a person