Chakra healing and infor

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Belneus on Instagram: "Chakra Balance Checker from @blissfulcareers #chakra #spiritual #spirituality #innerpeace #belneus #balance #tranquility #yoga #selfcare #selflove"
Leza Labrador on Instagram: "By @healersofthelight #chakra #chakras #chakrahealing"
Belneus on Instagram: "The Sacral Chakra, from @alicethestarseedwitch The sacral chakra is believed to be the second chakra in the human body. It’s thought to govern how you experience sexuality, creative expression, emotions, and more. #sacralchakra #rootchakra #chakras #heartchakra #crownchakra #throatchakra #chakrahealing #solarplexuschakra #crystals #thirdeyechakra #energyhealing #meditation #solarplexus #sacralchakrahealing #chakra #chakrabalancing #healing #reiki #love #thirdeye #spiritualawakening #crystalhealing #selflove #spirituality #balance #divinefeminine #yoga #lightworker #energy #selfcare"
𝐘𝐨𝐠𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 on Instagram: "🌸 Chakra Balancing Practice 🌸 Align your energy, balance your mind, and open yourself to a more centered, powerful you! 💫 Every chakra has its own unique purpose and energy, and practicing these yoga postures along with affirmations will help unlock the full potential of your body, mind, and spirit. 🙏 🌿 Root Chakra: “I am safe, centered, and grounded” 🌸 Sacral Chakra: “I am passionate about my life” ☀️ Solar Plexus: “I am confident in all that I do” 💚 Heart Chakra: “I love and appreciate myself as I am” 🔵 Throat Chakra: “I find creative ways to express myself” 👁 Third Eye Chakra: “I always honor and follow my intuition” 💜 Crown Chakra: “I let go and trust the process of life” Let’s start the journey of chakra hea
Emmylou Seaman | Trauma Healing Specialist + Coach on Instagram: "IT’S LIVE! HEAL YOUR WOUNDED INNER-CHILD course if open for enrolment!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Comment HEAL to get instant access to, “HEAL YOUR WOUNDED INNER-CHILD” - A self-led course to heal your childhood wounds of abandonment, unworthiness and neglect.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The secret behind the person you see today, confident, and empowered is: Healing my Inner Child Wounds.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I struggled with the “fear of abandonment and rejection” for most of my life because I was rejected the day I was born for being a girl child and 5 years later my father abandoned me and my family. And, I always ended up attracting relationships and friendships, where I would end up being abandoned and rejected.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ BUT… the moment I heal the abandonment wound “I stopped attrac
Ottavia 'Tay' Lang, Certified Sound Therapist on Instagram: "Dear Life: What can we chat about today? Did you know that applying infused oils to your belly button can enhance the balance and flow of energy in each chakra? 🌿🌟 The navel is a powerful energy center that can absorb the healing properties of oils directly into your system, promoting overall wellness. 🌿🌺🪻DIRECTIONS: 1. Apply to your Belly Button: Place a few drops of the infused oil in your belly button. 2. Massage Gently: Use your fingertip to massage the oil in a circular motion, allowing it to absorb fully. 3. Set Your Intention: Close your eyes and set a positive intention for the chakra you’re focusing on. 4. Breathe Deeply: Take a few deep breaths, visualizing the energy flowing through your body, enhancing
Polly Standeven on Instagram: "Learn these tools with me 👇 What I teach on here is only a tiny slither of what I teach on my living in light course 😄 Join my 8-Week Kundalini Course to balance your energy, release mental, emotional and energetic blocks and reclaim your power 🙌😊 DM to join & start a journey with a sister circle of cool ladies 🌺😹 COMMENT LIGHT 👇 #KundaliniYoga #ChakraHealing #EnergyBalance #SpiritualGrowth #InnerPeace"
University of Spirituality on Instagram: "Learn several ancient techniques to strengthens your solar plexus chakra so you enjoy unbeatable willpower Click the link in my bio to learn more about the Abundance Chakra Secrets - - Credit:Respected owner ✨ DM for credit/removal #spiritualawakening #spiritual #spiritualhealing #spiritualgrowth #enlightenment #spiriministry #meditation #spirischool #consciousness #lawofattraction #abundance #gratitude #mindfulness #energyhealing #manifestation #spirimindset #innerpeace #universe #selflove #alignment #spiriversity #zen #awakened #souljourney #affirmations #chakras #intuition #healingenergy #spiritualcommunity #lightworker"
Gabriella Kovalenko on Instagram: "Save this psychosomatic (mind-body) reference to identify the root causes of the many different physical clues the body can present… Consider the body a map of consciousness intricately organized across a coordinate grid of energy meridians, chakras, and their corresponding physical regions. Emotions are manifestations of energetic movement inspired by fluctuations in consciousness and enveloped in sensation radiating from bodily centers. As such, the suppression of negative emotion results in the aggregation of dense energy in particular regions which can manifest a continual energetic deficit, negative state of mind, and diseased body. Lower frequency thoughts are emanations of a limited scope of consciousness or a separation from the vastness of
Ottavia 'Tay' Lang, Certified Sound Therapist on Instagram: "Dear Life: What can we chat about today? Keep these items on hand when you need a quick chakra tune-up. 🌟 See the CHAKRAS Highlight for the entire series. 📚 eBooks available in my online Healing Bookstore with more chakra and sound therapy resources. xoxo Your Favorite Sound Therapist Tay ♋️👽🎶✨️ #dearlifechat #soundtherapy #singingbowls #soundbath #eBooks #wellness #YourFavoriteSoundTherapist"
Ottavia 'Tay' Lang, Certified Sound Therapist on Instagram: "Dear Life: What can we chat about today? Flowers have long been associated with healing and energy work, including chakra balancing. Here are some flowers that correspond to each chakra and can help clear and balance them. These flowers can be used in various ways, such as in bouquets or placed around your living space, to help clear and balance the chakras. 📚💚✨️Grab my new eBooks on sound therapy and chakra inspired recipes for additional tools to unblock your chakras. ❤️ROOT CHAKRA Red Carnations: Symbolize strength and support. 🧡SACRAL Orange Marigolds: Promote creativity and emotional balance. 💛SOLAR PLEXUS Yellow Sunflowers: Enhance confidence and personal power. 💚HEART Pink Roses: Promote compassion and uncondi
Gabriella Kovalenko on Instagram: "According to Vedic philosophy, our multi-dimensional minds have the ability to experience seven states of consciousness. These seven levels are: waking, sleeping, dreaming, soul consciousness, cosmic consciousness, God consciousness, and unity consciousness. This chart by consciousness researcher John Smotherman offers an astoundingly similar interpretation. The first three levels—waking, dreaming, and deep sleep—are part of everyone’s daily experience. In the fourth state of consciousness (soul consciousness) we begin to realize that we are more than our ego and our physical body. We start to identify with the values and purpose of our soul and its energetic reality. We can experience this state of consciousness through meditation. During meditation
Ottavia 'Tay' Lang, Certified Sound Therapist on Instagram: "Dear Life: What can we chat about today? While there isn't a strict schedule for each chakra, some practitioners believe that certain times of the day are more conducive to balancing specific chakras based on the body's natural energy cycles: ❤️Root Chakra (Muladhara): Early morning (5-7 AM) – Grounding and stabilizing, best balanced when the day is starting. 🧡Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Late morning (7-9 AM) – Associated with creativity and emotions, aligns well with the time when you're gearing up for the day. 💛Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Mid-morning (9-11 AM) – Relates to personal power and confidence, a good time to set intentions and tackle tasks. 💚Heart Chakra (Anahata): Noon (11 AM-1 PM) – Balancing this cha