Segnalibri fai da te

76 Pins
Happy Monday friends! A while back I shared how I had figured out to make paper from tea bags. I have a more detailed video if you’re interested. Well we made a lantern from the sheets and I thought it would make a really good bookmark too I used one tea bag, some pressed flowers, a mixture of school glue and water, and some craft paper. A cereal box or think cardboard would work too. What do you think of this one?
Non sai come confezionare un segnalibro? Ti mostro un'idea facilissima da fare e d'effetto. Ti servono: ♡ cartoncino ♡ penna gel nera ♡ pennarello pastello, io ho usato quelli di @giotto_fila ♡ carta tessuto per la confezione ( oppure cartoncino colorato) Segui i passaggi del reel e se qualcosa non ti è chiaro scrivimi ♡ Trasforma un semplice pensierino in una particolare idea regalo 🔖 Ma tu, come li impacchetti i segnalibro? #segnalibro #faidatecreativo #regalo #disegnare #cartoleria...
This may contain: an open book with some hearts on it
DIY Coquette Bookmark With Pearls 🩷✨
#artoftheday #diybookmark #coquette #handmade #bookworm #craftlover #bookish #reading #diyproject #creative #handmadewithlove #artist #art #artsy #artaesthetic #aesthetic #artistsoninstagram #hearts #pearls #painting #feature #craft #diy
This may contain: a person is holding an open book in their hand with the title come realizzare un segnalbro angolare
Segnalibro ad angolo fai da te con carta e colla DIY
#segnalibro #diy #facile #fattoamano #faidate #faidatecreativo #carta
This may contain: someone is using a marker to paint the paper with pink flowers on it, while another hand holds a pencil
Easy Art Hack to Paint Roses 😍💞
Easy DIY Rose Bookmark 💞🌸 #art #diy
❤️REELS PREMIADO @molindobrasil✨❤ Prêmio: materiais da Molin usados neste vídeo + itens surpresa 🥰 Para participar escreva uma frase com a palavra DIA ❤️ 🥰 Vc pode comentar quantas vezes quiser, quanto mais comentários mais chances de ganhar. Vc precisa ser meu seguidor e da @molindobrasil para concorrer. E também ser inscrito nos canais do YouTube da @molindoBrasil e @sof.martinss (Se você for sorteado deverá encaminhar o print comprovando ser inscrito nos dois canais, quando for cont...
This may contain: a person holding an open book with flowers on it
Закладки из настоящих цветов своими руками . Понадобится пленка для ламинации #поделкидлядетей
#diy #craft #bookmark
Diy | Craft | Bookmark craft | Wall hanging craft | Flower diy
#diy #craft #bookmark
This may contain: a person holding an open book with hearts on it
cute bookmark ideas
#explore #explorepage #trending #exploremore #diybookmarkideas #shorts
This may contain: a bookmark with an image of a fox on it next to flowers and leaves
Create this simple bookmark with me! Journaling x watercolors idea 💡
Difficulty: Easy Supplies: • Black sheet (bookmark size) • Scrap or old book paper • Glue • Watercolor • White gelly roll pen Happy creating 😇