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Iron Man Vol 1 25
For given cause, the Sub-Mariner strikes! Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie) Featured Characters: Supporting Characters: Other Characters: Locations: Items: Tony Stark tries to convince a roomful of industrial businessmen to take up the environmental cause. He tells them of his recent experience as a cautionary tale: Discovering a pipeline dumping chemical waste into the ocean, the Sub-Mariner plugs it and follows it to its source. On the surface, Tony Stark visits his Meridian Island Project where
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 193
Across the street from the Daily Bugle, Spider-Man gazes at the office of J. Jonah Jameson. He recalls how he was briefly knocked out by the Fly when he and Jameson were shackled together and wonders if his constant nemesis managed to unmask him. Peeking into the window where he sees Jameson in...