Prepper Info

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35 Survival Uses for Vaseline
Vaseline is one of the most useful items ever invented. It's not just good for lubrication. Vaseline can be used to treat skin problems, prevent battery corrosion, make a candle, start a fire, remove makeup, prevent chafing, protect trees, prevent rust, and much more. Here's our ultimate list of survival uses for Vaseline.
7 Ways to Charge a Phone When the Power's Out
D batteries paper clipped and taped together to charge a cellphone
100 Items to Disappear First After The SHTF
10 Terrifying Truths About Long Term Blackouts
Water Storage For Survival : A Step-By-Step Beginner'S Guide On Collecting And Purifying Clean Drinking Water For A Long Term Grid Down Disaster Scenario
Water storage is easily one of the most critical aspects of preparing for an emergency. If you don't have enough water, your chances of survival are diminished significantly. How you store your water will depend on a variety of different factors, including your environment and climate, your age, how much physical activity you do each day, and how many people are in your household. You also need to store water for a wide variety of purposes: for drinking, for cleaning dishes, for personal hygiene and bathing, for preparing food, for your pets, and so on. In this step-by-step beginner's guide, you will learn about the best methods for finding, storing, and purifying clean drinking water. The specific steps that we will cover include: -Step #1: Why You Need To Store Water? -Step #2: How Much
17 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses
It’s more important than ever to prepare for a financial collapse, so in this article I’m going to cover 17 things you should do. #SurvivalWaterPurification #WaterFiltration #EmergencyPreparedness #OutdoorSurvival #CleanWater #SurvivalSkills
🔥 [ENDS TOMORROW] => This kind of item For Survival Quotes I Have seems to be completely terrific, must bear this in mind the next time I have a chunk of bucks saved up .BTW talking about money... Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping #shtfStorage #tacticalHelmet #shtfKit #survivalskillsCamping
How to Survive The First 100 Days After a Collapse
(35) UNLIMITED Heat For Your Home | NO ELECTRIC NEEDED - YouTube