All things CNA Instructor

CNA Instructor resources, lesson plans, teaching tips, etc.
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Train the CNA Trainer
To save $50 use referal code TCT99 and link: They also now offer Tuition Payment Plans and Multi-Student Discounts. This ANCC-accredited online course prepares RNs & LPNs to teach NAs and MAs in compliance with state requirements. The ONLY course that meets the adult education requirement for NA instructors in 36 states.
Train the CNA Trainer
To save $50 use referal code TCT99 and link: They also now offer Tuition Payment Plans and Multi-Student Discounts. This ANCC-accredited online course prepares RNs & LPNs to teach NAs and MAs in compliance with state requirements. The ONLY course that meets the adult education requirement for NA instructors in 36 states.
Nursing Assistant Exam Changes
Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON) Nursing Assistant Exam Changes (Starting October 1, 2023)
Certified Nursing Assistant Terminology | CNA Plus
Urgent reporting for the CNA includes any change in a patient's or resident's condition that might require evaluation or intervention. Examples are bleeding, pain, or injury. Restraints (ordered by a doctor) require reporting to the nurse. Other circumstances that require immediate reporting: skin changes, falls, patient complaints, difficult behavior, suicidal or dangerous behavior, and discovery of alcohol or drugs. The CNA should also report if the patient refuses to eat or cooperate with ...
Resources for Nurse Aide Students | KCTCS
Resources for Nurse Aide Students | KCTCS
4YourCNA Commercial for Instructors
Instructor's Corner - 4YourCNA