Weight Training

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Justin Mucci on Instagram: "Most Important Shoulder Exercise External Rotation One of the MAIN reasons why I can bench so much, hit Handstand Push Ups, Back Bridge, Throw Fast & not have any shoulder set backs. If you rep this movement consistently in your upper days you will gain MORE: - Shoulder stability - Injury Prevention Against Impact - Bench Weight - Throw Velocity Start repping 10 per with 4sec down tempo at a weight that feels good & THRIVE. Stay Locked In🔒"
Kelly Matthews on Instagram: "We’re back! Stop Doing Sh*tty Deadlifts: Starting position: feet hips width distance apart with the bar directly over your laces, hands gripping outside of your shins, hips back, knees bent and shoulders slightly out in front of the bar Cues: before you start, you want to load up through your legs and get a little pull through your upper body. When you’re ready, you want to think about pushing the floor away and extending your knees and your hips at the same time common mistakes: knee extension before hip extension, pinning the shoulder blades back too much, excessive spinal flexion/not bracing What exercise do you want to stop doing sh*tty? Get training like this in your ear every day on my Limitless program (🔗 ïn b!0) #deadlift #gymtips #deadliftform
SEBASTIAN OREB #strengthsystem on Instagram: "Conventional Deadlift foot 🦶 position and hand 🖐️ position. Once again, everyone is different, but something that isn’t different is that body will travel the least distance when the arms are completely vertical, which is shoulder width. However, hips take priority, and if that means that your arms need to be slightly wider than “straight down”, that’s fine. Figure out your best stance which is usually hip width, and place the arms just in the outside of that. Nice deadlifting @dinnyj 👊 #deadlift #strengthsystem"
Squat University on Instagram: "What does @liztess do for a squat mobility warm-up? Well, let me show you! This routine focuses on enhancing mobility at the common areas that restrict a proper squat - the ankles, hips and thoracic spine!! . Shout out @muscleandmotion for the amazing anatomy graphics used today!"
OLESIA SHEVCHUK on Instagram: "Different Grip = Different Muscle Groups 💪 Switch up your grip to target various muscles and maximize your gains! 🎯 #gymtips #gymworkout #workouttips #backworkout"
СОКОЛОВА НАСТЯ | ТРЕНЕР-НУТРІЦІОЛОГ | ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНИЙ СУПРОВІД on Instagram: "❤️ якщо ти хочеш навчитись технічно правильно виконувати всі вправи, то приходь до мене @sokolova_nastyaa на ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНИЙ СУПРОВІД, та зроби тіло своєї мрії 💪😍 пиши мені в Дірект слово «Супровід», і я надам тобі детальну інформацію ✅ ОСНОВНІ ПОМИЛКИ У ВИКОНАННІ ВПРАВ ДЛЯ КРАСИВИХ ТА ПІДТЯГНУТИХ РУК 1️⃣ розведення ліктів у сторони у вправі «розгинання рук з 1 гантелю» ❌ аби навантажити тріцепс ізольовано, та не допомагати робити розгинання м’язами спини, тримай лікті біля голови ✅ 2️⃣ лікті направлені вгору у вправі «розгинання рук з гантелями лежачи» ❌ під час виконання вправи фіксуй лікті під кутом 45 градусів за голову, що допоможе більше ізолювати тріцепс та зняти навантаження зі спини ✅ 3️⃣ лікоть сп
Jenny Fisher|Uber-balanced Fitmom on Instagram: "Can you grind through 8 reps of each? I barely got through it 🤪 8 of each: •Figure 8’s •Goblet Squat •Reverse Lunges •Side Lunges each side @grind.with.gratitude THX Seltzers new from my buddies up in Wilmington! My Discount code in the comments 😘 “Grinders in the arena. Critics in the Stands.” Get after it today, y’all! 🫶🏼 #workoutmotivation #workoutoftheday #getfitwithme #fitnesschallenge #kettlebellworkout #kettlebells #legday #charlestonfitness"
Andrew Kwong on Instagram: "Outfit from @ayblmen - use code "DELTA" for 10% off. Link in bio. Dumbbell Upright Row Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you perform upright rows with the dumbbells close together, you'll work more of the front delts and upper traps. Holding them wider—about 1.5 times shoulder width—shifts more focus to the side delts. If you bend over and perform wide rows, you'll target the rear delts along with the middle and upper traps. #beaybl #aybl #uprightrow #uprightrows"
Pat Damiano on Instagram: "The WORST kettlebell workout you’ll ever do😩 Comment 20 on this post to get my 20 best kettlebells complexes in on document!"
This may contain: a woman squatting on the ground with her hands in the air while holding two lights above her head
🔥 Crush Your Fitness Goals with These Lower-Body HIIT Moves! 💪
Quick, effective workouts using dumbbells and resistance bands to tone and strengthen your lower body. Perfect for your busy schedule! #FitnessGoals #LowerBodyWorkout #HIITMoves #QuickWorkouts #EffectiveFitness #DumbbellWorkout #ResistanceBandWorkout #ToneAndStrengthen #WorkoutTips #StayMotivated Credit: @sophiarose92
Jack Hallows | Online Fitness Coach on Instagram: "This Front Foot Elevated Split Squat with rotation is a real fun one for glute growth 🍑 The elevation already means we get a deeper stretch on the glute max than if we did this feet flat While rotating slightly across midline means we can lengthen the upper fibres more too for an epic overall stimulus The key here is have a slight forward lean so you can sit into your hips, vertical shin and make sure that front knee doesn’t track out, try to keep it in line with the hip Give it a try and let me know how you find it! 💪🏼"
Nicole Gomez | Fit Chick Creator on Instagram: "If you’re a gal already in the gym... ❌You probably dont need workout more! ✨You need to workout better! 🏆Better form and better workout structure is the first place to start! At first this is going to feel weird but then it feels much better. It’s a diagonal-ish path. Just not straight now cranking at the shoulder"
SEBASTIAN OREB #strengthsystem on Instagram: "10 point conventional deadlift checklist 👆 Mastering the conventional deadlift is one of the most rewarding exercises you can do in the gym. The techniques I am teaching here are the same techniques that I have learned from the best deadlifters in the world and have used them successfully on myself and everyone who trains with me, including the strongest deadlifter in the world @thorbjornsson 💪 Save this, and thank me later 👊 #deadlift #strengthsystem"
Kieron Barker - Strength Coach on Instagram: "Stop squatting your deadlift! ❌️ When you drop your hips too low, your knees track over the bar. This is not a good position for lifting the bar. ESPECIALLY if you're lifting HEAVY. - Position the bar over your mid-foot - Make your arms as long as possible - Pull against the bar - Pull your shoulders back & down towards your back pockets - Lift the crown of your head to the ceiling - Push the world away."
6.9K reactions · 322 shares | Seriously as long as you train correctly and hit triceps, it will give you quicker size than hitting biceps but who wouldn’t want great biceps too so train them both and enjoy the natty process #tricepsworkout #tricepexercises #growtriceps | Jean-claud
2K reactions · 130 shares | Seriously as long as you train correctly and hit triceps, it will give you quicker size than hitting biceps but who wouldn’t want great biceps too so train them both and enjoy the natty process #tricepsworkout #tricepexercises #growtriceps | Jean-claud