MIY cleaning supplies

The ingredients needed for all of these "recipes" are: water, hydrogen peroxide, washing soda, borax, vinegar, Dawn dish soap, Fels Naptha bar soap, baking soda, and hair conditioner. If you always have these in your cabinet, you can clean it all. They last a long time and do a FABULOUS job...for *so* much less than store brands. I'm actually starting to enjoy cleaning.
62 Pins
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How to Make Natural Tooth Powder at Home - One Green PlanetOne Green Planet
I just put my first load in the dyer. Smells amazing, looks clean. I'll know better once their dry 1 bar felsnaptha soap, finely grated 1 cup borax 1 cup baking soda wash 1 cup Purex crystals 1 scoop oxi clean
Homemade floor cleaner - look at that shiney wood floor! Mine hasn't looked like that since the day it was installed, lol!
Homemade Glass Cleaner: The 3 Best DIY Recipes
Pinner says this works! I did it on all my outside windows and now they look amazing!