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Green.Garden.ideas. on Instagram: "Credit:jacquesinthegarden —— How to save tomato seed! There are many ways to save tomato seed and they all technically work, but….fermenting the seed is the best way. When you ferment the tomato seed you are actually also killing bacterial and fungal disease that are on the seed. So this should reduce your disease at the start of life. Fermenting the seeds also separates the viable seed from the seed that is hollow or not viable. The third major benefit is that it is actually easier to store and process a lot of seed at once. Tomorrow I can show you a quick method for saving tomato seed that you plan to plant within a few years. #gardening#instagardenlovers#mygardentoday#gardenersofinstagram#healthyfood#organicgarden#veggiegarden#gardeninspiration#urb
Why I Solarize My Soil #shorts #garden #gardening
Why I Solarize My Soil #shorts #garden #gardening
Jamie Walton | Nettles & Petals on Instagram: "How I Plant Tomatoes! 🍅🌱 It’s an exciting day! I can finally plant my tomatoes and the many companion plants I interplant with them, now the last chance of frost has passed 😊🙌🏻 To get started, I measure out the bed and space my tomatoes at 45cm apart and dig a deep hole so I can add fresh compost underneath the plant as a little pocket of fertility. 🪱 I then water the hole to ensure the plants are well watered to minimise transplant shock, and tie a large loop in some strong garden twine which I place underneath the root ball of the plant so that it anchors it in place. ⚓️🌱 I remove any lower leaves from the plant to avoid them coming into contact with the soils surface, as I’ll be planting it deep to promote a stronger root system.
Jim & Joelle Kurczodyna on Instagram: "It’s amazing at how much can be done in a small amount of space! The long, rectangular shape of this design may not translate perfectly to a 1/4 acre backyard lot…but it can easily be scaled and adjusted to still grow a ton regardless of the kind of space you are working with. #permaculturegarden #homesteader #homesteadmama #selfsufficiency #threesistersgarden #storagecrops #resilientgarden #urbanhomestead #suburbanhomestead #chickentractor #pollinatorgarden #gardeningtips #closedloop #savingseeds #homesteadlife #foodpreservation #homesteadfamily #realfoodfam #creatingsustainableroots #fromscratchfarmstead"
Greenhouse gardening - gardening tips on Instagram: "Posted @withregram • @gazoakley NEVER BUY GARLIC AGAIN! autumn is the time to plant garlic for harvest next spring. 1 clove will turn into a whole bulb of garlic. With little effort!!! I just planted 100 cloves of the garlic I harvested in spring, which will be harvested next year 🧄 one of the easiest crops to grow. Even if you don’t have a garden, why not try in a little plant pot on your windowsill (outside)! Self sufficiency babyyyyyy 👨‍🌾 gaz! #growing #garlic #gardening # cooking #selfsufficient #offgrid #food #reels"
Farmer on Instagram: "How to Prune and Trellis Cucumbers for a llong healthy life of production 📸: TT @ terramorfarm ( All credits are reserved for their respective owners 💼 ) ---------- 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Tag Someone Who Would Love This! 🔔 Turn Post Notification On * Follow our to see Pictures/Videos every day 👉 Get gifts by the link attached in the bio ❤️. Thank you so much 💗 🔸 🔸 🔸 #farmerswalk #farmerswife #farmersbh #farmerstan #farmerboys #FarmersLife #farmersmarketveggies #FarmersMerchantsBank #Farmers #FarmersMarketHawaii #farmer #farmerwalk"
Vanessa Minton on Instagram: "How to grow ginger from grocery store rhizomes! . Ginger and Turmeric both grow really well in warmer climates. They do take 9-10 months to form new rhizomes but if the time between your two frost dates isn't that long you can pre sprout then inside along with your other seed starting! Then simply transplant them out into containers that can be brought inside if you get an early killing frost in the fall/winter. . Once you start producing enough rhizomes you won't ever need to buy ginger or turmeric again! This year I'm growing blue turmeric that a follower sent me so I'm very excited 💙 . Make sure to choose a wider container vs. a deeper container because the rhizomes grow more laterally. Both plants do well with afternoon shade and adequate regular moi
Angel Gist on Instagram: "LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES⤵️ 🚫Don’t just plant fruits and veggies, like I did when I first started! All plants have friends that help them out, these are called companion plants. They help by attracting beneficial bugs that deal with the bad bugs attacking your veggies. Some companion plants have a very strong sent that can also deter pests. By planting this way, you help avoid the mistake of losing your harvest to bugs. My first year gardening I planted over 100 green beans and the pests ended up getting most of them!😩 Let me know in the comments if you struggle with knowing what to plant together🤔 Comment the word “GROW” and I’ll send you the link to my gardening ebook and learn how I walk you through, step by step, to growing more food than you could imagin
Garden Design Ideas on Instagram: "5 types of irrigation water that are easy to make at home #gardening #garden #gardeningtips #gardenlife #gardeninspiration #gardenideas #gardenlove #gardendesign #gardenersofinstagram #gardenersworld #garden_styles #gardenphotography #gardenlovers #gardenerslife #gardenart #gardenbeauty #gardensofinstagram #gardenplants #gardenviews #gardenersparadise #gardenista #gardeningcommunity #gardenloversclub #gardenaddict #gardeners #gardenerslife"
GardensMania on Instagram: "Planting schedule for 2024 #garden #gardening #gardeningtips #planting #farming"
Horta Orgânica on Instagram: "O passo a passo completo para você ter sua hortinha produtiva em casa já está disponível! Quer o manual/curso completo? Acesso site do meu perfil @hortaorganica._ Agora você pode aprender a cultivar diversos alimentos orgânico na sua casa, MESMO QUE NÃO TENHA ESPAÇO. Veja alguns dos orgânicos que você vai produzir: 🍓 Morangos bem desenvolvidos 🍇 Uvas docinhas 🥑 Abacates no vaso é possível com nossas técnicas 🍍 Abacaxis suculentos 🍅 Tomates bem cuidados e grandes 🥬 Couves com folhas enormes 🌱 Alfaces em poucas semanas 🌰 Cebolas e cebolinhas grandes e com folhas grossas 🥔 Batatas livres de fungos Além disso, você vai aprender a cultivar: pitaya, batata-doce, coentro, salsinha, orégano, abóbora, abobrinha e muitos muitos mais Segredos e cuidados Di
Gardening | Housewife | Farm on Instagram: "Spice up your life with our foolproof tips to grow a bountiful chili pepper harvest! 🌶️ #plant #plantbased #plants #plantlover #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantas #plantlife #plantbaseddiet #plantpower #plantmom #plantlove #plantpowered #plantlady #plantaddict #plantmedicine #plantgang #plantcollection #plantstagram #plantsplantsplants #plantsmakemehappy #plantslover #backyardgarden #garden #gardening #gardenings #gardeninglife #gardeningtipsforbeginners"
Laura Lombardi on Instagram: "I know all the options can be confusing when you’re standing at the garden center wondering what type of soil you should be buying for your project. I’ve been there! 👩‍🌾 I’m not a soil expert but after 4 years of building new in-ground beds across multiple properties, filling raised beds, and container gardening, here’s what I’ve learned about each type and when to use them ⬇️ ✨SAVE this post to come back to next time you’ve got a project underway and need to buy soil! ✨ 🌱 Top soil: this is earth that has been screened to remove debris and have a consistent structure. It’s great for using to fill holes and build new beds, but it’s typically not enriched with any additives so isn’t the best for growing plants on its own. Think of this as a general landsca
PawPaw Ridge Homestead on Instagram: "Throw Back Thursday! I thought this would be a good one because it’s about time to start that trellis! #garden #gardening #gardentips #homestead #homesteading #homesteadlife #farm #farming #farmlife #foodie #farmtotable #permaculture #vegetables #cattlepaneltrellis"