Slow Cooker

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Try these Amazing Crockpot Dinners! | Try these Amazing Crockpot Dinners! #baking #cooking #crockpot | By Hanna and Zechariah | One pound of ground beef already browned on the stove and one pound of Italian sausage. We went with some spices sausage We got one onion finely diced. Throw that right in and we got about three cloves of garlic nice and minced. We're putting Italian seasoning. Just really get it in there. Think I'm going to use the rest of mine that I have and we gotta do the classics. We gotta do some salt. And just a touch of pepper. We're not a big pepper family. We like the salts though so I think maybe a little bit more of that. Alright. Tomato paste. If you have not gotten one of these for the tomato paste, this is a game changer. It's in a tube so you're not opening a whole can and then what do you do with the rest of the can? This is amazing. Just kind of doing like a tablespoon in there and I'm going to stir this up. One full jar of marinara sauce once that's all mixed together and then here's the trick we're going to add some chicken broth as well I got bone broth you can do regular broth I'm just going to fill up this entire jar of marinara that way we get all the sauce that's stuck on the sides and it's a good way of measuring too just fill that all the way up give this a little I mean a little extra because I you know I just do a whole carton on one of these I don't like to have just like a little bit extra put your lid on shake it up and then you got all those juices. Nothing wasted. Perfect. Now, we're going to stir this up. Give it a little stir. And I'm also going to tear up some of this basil. This is fresh basil. You don't have fresh, you can do dried but I like using fresh herbs when I got the chance. Have the chance. Oh, it smells amazing. I love the smell of fresh basil. That's so yummy. This is all going to cook in all these flavors. So, Really? Don't be shy with the basil. We're not shy with the basil in this house. And give it a stir again. Once all those ingredients are nice and incorporated stirred up we can put it on high for an hour put your lid on let all the flavors melt together and just let the magic happen and we'll be back for a couple more things that smells incredible give us a little stir it's been cooking up in there but we got another ingredient very important ingredient to add here lasagna noodles and this is the fun part. Just take your lasagna noodles. You're just going to crack em however big of pieces as you want A little bit smaller than this. About like whatever. Just have fun with it. Whatever you want to do. Crack em all in. I'm going to do a full box. Like I said you can keep these big or you can make them really small. Whatever you want to do. Don't try to think about it too much. Just crack em on in. Super fun. Just got a couple box here. I like some bigger chunks and some little ones too. The last of them there. I'm going to them in the heat here. Stir em down. And once these are stirred in touching liquid. Once those are in there, we're going to put our lid back on. Keep it on high. These will cook for about 30 minutes. Two cups of mozzarella. Two cups of Parmesan. This is going to be a little cheese mixture that goes on top of our soup. Two cups of ricotta. Most important cheese of all. And you're making this while the noodles are cooking, right? Yep, those noodles are cooking up. So, just cooking some little cheese for the top. Got some shredded basil, fresh basil. You can use dried, that's fine. And I'm going to do some thyme as well because that is just so yummy. I love thyme. Fresh thyme. Oh my goodness. So good. It's going to go backwards on the stock there and it'll all just fall right into your yummy. Do one more. Perfect. Oh, the time smells so good. I'm also going to do a little sprinkle of this garlic powder. It's got a little extra flave. Nothing too much. Just a little sprinkle and we'll mix all these cheeses together. Let's take a look at our soup here. Oh my goodness. Look those noodles cooked right up. Wow it looks really good. Nice little stir. Wow. That looks so cozy like on a little stormy day like today this is exactly what I want for dinner feeds a ton of people so that's also a huge win especially around the holidays you can just whip it up taking my cheese I'm taking little dollops kind of like a little cheese ball I'm just going to dollop it right on the top Nice, big cheese ball. Honestly, the best part about lasagna for me is the cheese, the ricotta, the mozzarella, it's really what shines for me in a lasagna. So we just want to cover this whole thing with these cheese balls. Make them kind of bigger. I can get one more in there. This guy's looking a little sad. None going to waste. Not in my kitchen. There we go. And now we're just going to put the lid on for five more minutes. Just to let all that cheese get ooey gooey, melty, yummy and then we're going to try it. Let's take a look. Whoa. That looks so good. It looks good. It smells amazing. I have got to try this. Going right in the middle. I love a thick soup. Like a thick cozy soup. It looks like a slice of lasagna. It does. And that was so easy to make. The yummy cheese on top. Get a little bit more noodle. Okay, that's plenty. That's plenty. I don't want to burn my mouth but I need to try this. The noodles are perfectly cooked. The flavor, the cheese pull. Um hello. Hello, cheesy. Good. Ten out of 10. Alright, I'm going to spoon myself a bowl. That's so good. Starting off with a whole loaf of white bread. Wanna stuff this into our Crock Pot. All in there. Perfect. Awesome. We're going to set this aside for a second and make our mixture that's going to go in. I'm doing two whole blocks of cream cheese. Put it in a microwave safe container a little bit and one cup of brown sugar. Going in. I'm going to warm this up in the microwave. I microwave this for about a minute and a half stirring in between. It's got perfect I'm just going to pull apart these pieces of bread and pour some right down the middle and this is going to make a really yummy like cheese Danish berry Danish kind of French toast casserole Just do a little drizzle. I want to make sure each piece has some and I'm kind of trying to get it on those pieces so it drips down. That's my goal. I don't want it just all going down into the bottom. I really want to get those pieces drenched. Once we got that, we can move it aside. We're going to bring in our egg mixture. We'll make sure I whisk these eggs up before I add any ingredients or else it's going to give me a tricky time and this is a whole dozen of eggs because this is going to feed a ton of people. I know it feels like a ton of eggs but just think of it as if you're feeding 12 people, you feed them 12 eggs. So, we're just going to mix this up Once those eggs are broken, we got a little bit of a good mixture here. Oop, one more. Pretty good. I'm going to add in just one cup of milk. Add a little bit of that creamy custardy texture and what would French toast be without maple syrup so I'm going to do two tablespoons of maple syrup. It's going to give that touch of sweetness So, you can when you serve this, you could pour maple syrup over top each slice but you won't even need to because this is going to have that sweetness already in there. Make sure that's all really well incorporated. So easy to just whip up and you have friends and family in town. You can just put this all together. Let it do its thing in the crockpot. Enjoy your family time and then when it's ready, everyone's ready to eat. No one has to stay in the kitchen. Pour it all over. Make sure every piece is getting some love. Oh these these guys need some love on the sides. And this is going to rise as it bakes. They're going to fluff up. I kind of want to make sure Once the eggs are in, I just give it a little a little punch in just so but he gets some love in those eggs. Gorgeous. Now, this is Do not skip this step because we want a berry ding. I got some frozen mixed berries and these are just sprinkled all over the top Oh my goodness. This makes it just so tasty. Once your berries are on top, you want to lay a paper towel just so the excess moisture doesn't soak in there. We're going to put our lid on and cook this on high for two and a half hours. Just check it and make sure everything's cooked up. Alright, let's take a look. See, Lou. Ooh. Okay. Oh my goodness. I. Smells good. Smells incredible. Uh this looks so good. Okay. One a piece right here with some berries. Little crunch on the side. Do you hear that? I do. Get a nice slice. This is perfect for you know Christmas morning breakfast. Hi, baby. Oh that looks cooked to perfection. Wow. Wow. The crisp on the outside. This is going to be really hot but so yummy. The berries, the cheese. Kevin, come here. That's going to be really hot but so good. Should I try it? Yeah. Is it good? Is it kind of like a cheesecakey French toast? Mm hmm. Yum. Alright, we have to try it. This is two pounds of brown meat going in. Yummy. Then we got not one but two. Hi, chili packets of spice. Do pour that on in. Dump it. Shake it. Dump it. Get all that goodness rock and roll. There we go. I'm going to stir this up before you add anything else because you want it to touch every little morsel of that yummy ground beef. Oh yeah. Get off the sides. I kind of sprinkle that a little crazy. Fire-roasted tomatoes. I like to get the ones with green chilies in it. We're going to do two of those. Going right in. Black beans. Drain them. You don't want that extra juice in there. That's gross. Cans of black beans. Dump and go baby. That's right. This right here is the secret ingredient. You gotta have a ranch chilies. The ranch beans with jalapenos. Mm. If you don't have it don't even bother making this. Right? That's true. This is the game changer. We're doing two of them right? We're doing two. Because of course. Of course. You gotta have two of the game changer in there. Just dump it in. This is so easy. We're almost there. Diced green chilies. Hot. Spicy. Two of those because double hot. Double spicy. Let's do it. Let's give this all a stir once it's all in there. Hey oh You guys should ask my baby in the background what sound beans make. That's looking pretty good. Looking yummy. I'm just going to get all that stuff off the sides. And then just put your lid on. Cook it on hive for 1 hour. That smells incredible. It does smell good. Smells amazing but we are not done. Cuz what would chili be without? Cornbread. Ooh cornbread. What are we going to do? We're just going to make it easier on ourselves. We're going straight Pillsberry baby. Come on. Come on. There you go. These are so fun in a pinch. You don't have to whip up any cornbread. Just have these in your fridge and this, look what we're going to do. Oh, you're just going to put it right in there. Just put it right on right on top and I know what you're thinking. This isn't going to bake fast enough in a crockpot. Just just wait. Just wait. Just just see what I'm about to do. Peel em apart put em on easy breezy I'm going to give em actually a little bit of space because they're going to spread out I got another roll here where is my Here we go. There we go. It's so satisfying rolling these out. It's like therapeutic. The kitchen, you know what? The kitchen is just a a therapeutic place to be, right? Yeah, I wonder if anyone else finds the kitchen to be their safe place. I find the kitchen to be therapeutic if it's if I'm by myself. There's like a bunch of people in the kitchen with me as the opposite of therapeutic when I'm cooking obviously when I'm eating then more the merrier. Ooh look at that. That is the perfect amount. These are going to rise and expand and just be amazing. Okay, so what's next? Well, we're not cooking this in the crockpot for this part because this need a little bit more heat. So, we're taking em to the oven cooking in em at 350 for like 10 minutes. Yeah, if you could get the oven door for me, babe. Awesome. Uh this is heavy so just be careful off and stick it far enough in so it's nice and solid. Big thumbs up for that. Let's take a look. My stars. That's going to be good. Be very careful getting this out. That looks so cool. Oh my goodness. Wow. Whoo. That is hefty. Gorgeous. Wow. Oh my goodness. That looks delicious. Okay, I'm going to keep one of these on because I don't want to burn myself. But I need to get some of this. Actually, I don't need this. Live on the edge. Live on the edge. Okay. Just go right in. Get a little bun. Get a little scoop. I burnt myself. Oh no. It's okay. That's what you get for living on the edge. Wow. That looks good. Look at that. And of course we're going to need some fixings. I got some cheddar cheese. Cheddar cheese. I love sharp cheddar. That's what I go for. Let that melt on there. Okay. And then you gotta have a little dollop of daisy. Okay, sour cream. Mm hmm. Cilantro. Some cilantro. Ooh. If you call it coriander, you're calling it the wrong name by the way. There we go and and. Avocado. Avocado. This is prime chili. Yum. Oh my gosh. I cannot wait to bite into this. Okay, we got all of our I thought the dog was going for the oven and that made me heart little pitter patter there. Dog's okay. We're good. This looks delicious. Okay. Give it a bite. So I'm going to cut into this cornbread roll. I need a little bit of everything. A little avocado, little sour cream, little cheese. If she blow on, it might be hot. Oh, do you see that steam? Mm hmm. I don't want to burn my mouth. I think it's going to be good. It's going to be amazing. Oh it's a big bite. Mm. Yum? Mm. Alright. I'm going to get some. Thank you Hannah.
186K views · 4.1K reactions | #AggressiveTutorials #AggressiveTutorialLady #AggressiveCookingShow #AggressiveCookingTutorials #Agg | #AggressiveTutorials #AggressiveTutorialLady #AggressiveCookingShow #AggressiveCookingTutorials #Agg | By Emily Fernand Finch Handmade | Facebook
I love making this for my husband! | I love making this for my husband! Kyra makes an easy white chicken chili dinner in her crockpot. | By Kyras Kitchen | That was 28 ounces of Rotel Splash zone. That was about two pounds of pulled chicken. Now, I have some diced yellow onion. This is about one cup. And then to that I'm going to be adding 10 ounces of frozen corn right into my crockpot for this super easy and delicious fall comfort food dinner. And then I have the big can of the diced green chilies. 7 ounces. Alright. Not four ounces. Oh yeah this is going to be so good. You can skip the chilis if you don't want any extra heat in yours. But I love them. And then I have a 15 ounce can of white kidney beans. I love beans. Mm There we go. Get all of that in there. And this is hands down my favorite ingredient. Some taco seasoning. Yep. I love adding taco seasoning to my chili. We're making a delicious white chicken chili. I'm eyeballing the amount. Taco seasoning just has all the delicious chili flavors in it. So that's why I'm adding it. Just eyeballed that. I added a whole bunch. And now I'm going to be adding some garlic. Just a nice big tablespoon of that. Then I have some ground cumin. That's the only thing that my taco seasoning does not have in it that you absolutely need to have in chili. So we're doing about two teaspoons of that. And then we need some black pepper The taco seasoning already has salt in it. But it doesn't have pepper. There we go. It's a good amount. And then we need to add some juice. Some juiciness to this. So I have four cups of chicken stock here. I really if I'm being honest with you guys I just picked up the chicken stock today. But I don't know what the difference is between chicken stock and chicken broth. But they are two separate things. So let me know in the comments what the difference is. And I just picked up the free range. So the chickens could be nice and free. So let's go ahead and give this a nice healthy mix. Let me know in the comments what you would do differently what you would leave out what you would add let me know if you enjoy this recipe and let me know where you are watching from we're over here in Las Vegas it's finally starting to get cold isn't it David oh yeah it's really good you thought it would never happen it's nice and in the 70s here oh yeah it's great okay my day is coming up, isn't it? Yep, coming up soon. Yeah. Sounded like you weren't too sure there for a second. Okay, I'm just kidding. You know that, David. I love you. That was all we needed to do. It's nice and mixed together. Let's pop our lid on and we're going to cook this on high for three to 4 hours. Alright, you guys. It has been about 3 hours. Ooh. If you guys could smell this right now, it smells awesome. I bet you're wondering why it looks like that though. This is why because I need to add my Dollar Paisy sour cream okay? This is a whole cup that I'm going to add right in there. Let's see if it'll just come out all in one. Basically, right? Let's just get that little extra bit out of there. This is going to really help make it nice and creamy. You could also use heavy whipping cream. If that's what you have on hand, a cup of heavy whipping cream but sour cream is cheaper so I use sour cream. Now, I have some chopped cilantro. I know a lot of people don't like cilantro but I absolutely love it. So, I'm adding cilantro in mine to taste. You could do a parsley, a basil, whatever herbs you like or you could skip the herbs all together. I just love cilantro. Let me know in the comments if you like cilantro or not. I think that looks like enough. What do you think? Yeah that looks good. That's a good amount of cilantro. Now we're going to take our spoon. And we need to mix everything together. Oh yeah. Look at those beautiful colors. And some of those juices got nice and soaked up. By the chicken. So you just want to make sure you mix that sour cream in. And till it's fully dissolved in your soup your soup. Your chili, your chicken chili has a nice creamy texture. Okay so this is going to be a bit of a more watery chili but it's still going to be delicious. I think next time I would probably add less broth or more sour cream. I think I just got ahead of myself. By adding that whole container of broth this time. But ooh it is still going to taste really really good. Okay? Oh yeah I'm going to get a lot. I'm hungry. Yeah. Looks kind of like a soup. Chili soup. Okay and then we're going to come right over here. Oh look at that big piece of chicken. Nice and tender. Cos I'm going to put a few toppings on mine. I have here some Mexican style shredded cheese. Going to take a nice handful. Put it all over the top. You could use a nice cheddar if you like. Then I have here just some round tortilla chips that I'm just going to place all around my cheese here. And then I'm just going to sprinkle a little more. Where is the label? A little more of my cilantro on top to make it look nice and pretty. Ooh doesn't that look good David? It looks perfect. Mm. Going to try this Cheese is melting. Oh my goodness. That is scrumptious.
My dinner guests can't wait to get seconds whenever I make this dish
My dinner guests can't wait to get seconds whenever I make this dish
Fabulous! I have this in my slow cooker now and the whole house smells divine!
Fabulous! I have this in my slow cooker now and the whole house smells divine!
I was instantly hooked when I stated this. Now I can't get enough of this dish
I was instantly hooked when I stated this. Now I can't get enough of this dish
354K views · 9.7K reactions | #AggressiveTutorials #AggressiveTutorialLady #AggressiveCookingShow #AggressiveCookingTutorials | #AggressiveTutorials #AggressiveTutorialLady #AggressiveCookingShow #AggressiveCookingTutorials #Aggrecipes #slowcookerrecipe #slowcookertortellini | By Applesauceandadhd | You want a slow cooker recipe? Here you go. We're making creamy chicken pesto tortellini in the slowcooker. I have here two chicken breasts. Boneless skinless. I'm just throwing them right in the bottom of my slowcooker. They're still mostly frozen. It's fine. Stop panicking. And after you touch raw chicken, wash your **** hands. Into my slowcooker I'm going to use a half a box of chicken broth. I'm going to add some total season complete. I just want it to have like a general Italianish vibe. Garlic, onion, salt, pepper, whatever's in here. Use whatever you want. I'm going to pop my lid on this. That's all we're doing for right now. I'm going to turn it on low for six hours high for four hours and then we'll be back. Probably back when there's about an hour remaining. I'll also look different because I won't be in my pajamas which are incidentally the clothes I wore yesterday. Several hours have passed and I'm still in the same outfit. However, I did nap, do laundry, clean the house. I didn't do the dishes. I'm getting to that later. It's fine. Things of happen inside of this pot and there's like a thin layer of ick and I'm going to skim that off, shred up my chicken, and move on to the next step. This is said ick. The ick is skimmed off. I'm just going to use my meat chopper to just shred this up. If your meat is not shreddable at this phase, you didn't let it cook long enough. It should take next to no effort. Everything is sufficiently shredded. Now, I'm going to take this bag of frozen tortellini and throw it right in. Frozen and all. I have about an hour, hour and a half til dinner time so I'm just throwing it right in and then I've never tried this before but it sounded good when I saw it at the grocery store. It's called creamy Parmesan pesto. I'm throwing that right on it. It smells good. We're hoping for the best. However, it's thinner than I anticipated. So, I'm going to take the rest of whatever's in here of shredded Parmesan and dump it in to help thicken it up. And make it feel more Parmesani. Give this a toss and then we're going to pop the lid back on for a little while to let the tortellini cook through and also defrost. Defrost then cook through. Not the other way around. It has been about an hour and I am thinking this maybe one of my very first fails. The slowcooker and I just don't get along usually. So, let's see. I'm going to add some bacon bits, some sprinkle cheese to this to see if I can't thicken it up. Maybe turn the the loose sauce into a more creamy sauce. And we'll see. It maybe something that is edible but not my favorite thing I've ever made. I don't know. We're going to see. We're I'm reserving judgement. I'm going to throw down however many bacon bits I want to put in this on a paper towel. Spread it thin. I'm going to pop it in the microwave to crisp em off. That's microwaving. I'm going to throw the rest of the sprinkle cheese in there because that wasn't enough. Let's see if I have more. Apparently, I'm all out of sprinkle cheese too. So, this is going great. It's just thinner than I'd like. That's all. Throw your bacon in. Now, it's been microwave. So, it's a little crispier. Alright, I'm going to give it a because I know what you're thinking. I'm thinking it too. Is it even good and is it worth making? In Siri is a good idea. I think the sauce I use might be a problem. I'm also full disclosure not a fan of canned Alfredo sauce and I think that Parmesan pesto was more Alfredo than I would have liked. It's really good. Um it taste fine. I'm just a freak of nature who's afraid of her own cooking but of course, it's good. I made it. Follow along for more aggressive tutorials.
5.1M views · 19K reactions | This Creamy Italian Chicken Pasta was sooooooo good! Guaranteed to please even the pickiest eaters! # #chicken #pasta #olivegarden #italian #easyrecipe #budgetmeals #yum #dinner | Whatsmomcookin
8.4M views · 33K reactions | this easy crockpot dinner is so yummy 😋 | dinner, chicken meat, pasta | this easy crockpot dinner is so yummy 😋 y'all, this garlic parmesan chicken pasta is so good! | By Kristin's Friends | Alright, y'all. Right in the crock pot. I have about three chicken breasts. Alright. So, yeah, just just eyeball it but I'm just going to put this right on the bottom. Like I said, they're upside down. It's alright. Don't matter. It's going to cook the same. Alright. Next to this, I have a bottle of this Parmesan garlic sauce. This stuff taste real good y'all. So, guess what? Right on in. Right on in. I'm going to try and get it all out. Alright. Alright. And now you know what y'all we going to need a little more sauce. Little more liquid in here. So what we going to do? We going to take this bottle. There's still some in here. I'm going to pour some milk in here. Some whole milk. Good old fashioned whole milk. Alright? I'm going to fill this all the most of the way. We need to leave a little room because guess what we going to do now y'all. Guess what we going to do? We going to shake it up. Shake shake shake. Shake shake. Fred just backed up because he was nervous that the lid wasn't on but guess what it is? We're just going to shake this up. Alright. One have a little shake. Gonna pour this on. So I would say about a cup of milk. Alright. Right on in. Just like that y'all. This is so easy and delicious. Next here we have eight ounces of cream cheese. Guess what? I'm using my hand. Alright. Here we go. So I'm going to put this in here just kind of wherever. Wherever it falls. Try and get it all. Man it's sticky. It's sticky. It's making my hands dirty y'all. Maybe I should wear some gloves. Ha ha ha. Just kidding. No gloves here. No gloves here. Just like that. Alright. Next I have some Parmesan cheese. So we're going to use about I don't know a little more than half this bag. What is this? Six ounces. We're going to use a little more than half. So we're just going to sprinkle this right on top. I'm just going to eyeball it. Alright. Uh a little more. Little extra cheese. Never hurt anybody y'all. Alright? And then what we going to do here? We're just going to give it a little mix. Just a little bit. We're going to leave the chicken at the bottom but we're just going to kind of get this cheese wet. Make sure the cream cheese is in there. Kinda push everything down. Alright. I love making crock pot meals because you just put everything in here and then you go. You go live your day. Do whatever you need to do. Feed your cats. Feed your husband. Just kidding. Uh huh. Alright. Here we go. Just like that. Alright, y'all. How's that looks good, Ron? I think that looks good so far. Alright, the chicken's covered with the liquid. That's what we want. We got one more step for now. I'm going to take, let's see. My hands are dirty. So, Imma take some green onion. I'm just going to put it right on top. I think that's good. That's good. Alright, we don't need to season anything because that sauce I put in there has enough seasoning. It's very flavorful y'all. Y'all are going to love this. So, now what we're going to do, we're going to cover this bad boy up and we're going to cook it on half for about three hours until the chicken's done and then we have one more step but this is going to be the most delicious dinner. Y'all are going to love it. Alright, y'all. Take a look in there. Look at all that steam. So, this is and my crock pot cooks pretty fast. So, I had it on half for one hour and then low for 2 hours. So now, our next step here is to cut up the chicken. So, I think we had three chicken breast in here. So, I'm just going to cut it to make sure it's done. Oh, I just cut some of my eye. Yup, it's perfectly done. So, now we're going to do is we're going to shred this chicken up, alright? Alright, y'all. So, I shredded up the chicken pretty good here, alright? It's still steaming. This smells real good. So now, what we going to do here, I'm going to leave my utensils in. So, I cooked some pasta. This was a twelve-ounce package of these bow ties. So, I'm just going to dump this right on in. Y'all can use rotini or whatever kind of pasta you'd like but I like these. So, 12 ounces is good. So now we're just going to toss this all together. We're going to mix this. Toss this y'all. This is this smells so good. And yeah. So again in my crock pot which cooks real fast. I had it on high for one hour and low for 2 hours. So I think if I would have just done low I probably would've done about four to five hours. And high it might have been done in two but that's what I did. Alright. So we're going to mix this a little bit more. This looks good y'all. This smells so good too. I'm so excited. So excited. Alright y'all. Guess what time it is? Got my bowl right here. And put some right in the bowl. Alright, we're just going to put a little bit in there because it's going to be real hot. So, I'm going to move this crock pot to the side and now we're going to try it y'all. Alright. Y'all it's going to be so hot. So, guess what? Guess what that means? It's time to stall. You know, I'm just going to eat one noodle because then if I blow on it a little bit but I guess I should get some of the chicken too. Okay, I got a little shredded chicken. Look how hot that is. I don't want to burn my mouth. Alright y'all. Okay y'all. This might be the best thing I made in a long time. Y'all have to try this. It's so good. Mm.
1M views · 10K reactions | easy & yummy crockpot dinner | easy & yummy crockpot dinner this french onion chicken is so good y'all! | By Kristin's Friends | Alright y'all I have three chicken breasts that I cut in half. And these are nice and clean. I just ran them through the the express cycle on my dishwasher. Always wash your chicken y'all. Just kidding. Y'all know I don't do that. Alright so right in the bottom of your crockpot. I already sprayed that. Next y'all I have some onions. Some white onion. Um so this is two small onions. So one or two onions y'all. Just depending on the size. But Fred slices up for me because I'm always getting nervous. I'm going to hurt my fingers. Alright so that's how we do a alright? Just like so. Next y'all, we taking one can of french onion soup. One can. We're pouring this right on top. Alright, just like that. This going to be so good. We also have one packet of the dry french onion soup mix. This is a quick, easy, delicious dinner. I love making this and everyone loves it y'all and y'all can customize it. So, y'all can just do it like this if you want and cover it up but today, I'm feeling a little saucy. So, we going to add I have some green beans, alright? Some fresh green beans. So, what we going to do here, I'm just going to get a little handful and I'm going to cut this in half because otherwise, they're too big. So, using my handy kitchen scissors, we're going to cut these in half ish or just smaller pieces. Whatever y'all want. Do what makes you happy, alright? That's it. That's the secret to laugh. Do what makes you happy. Get some cats. Get some chickens. Dogs are good too? I just don't have any dogs because I don't know. I just don't but maybe I want to get one one day. You know what kind of dogs I like y'all? Friends, what's that doodle kind called? Doodle, some kind of doodle. Do you all have any doodles? Y'all know what I'm talking about? Like a goldendoodle or something? There's all kinds but I like those anyways. I'm just babbling now. Babble babble. That's what I do. Alright. So, this was just one package of green beans like the kind that come in the in the bag and that's what what we got here, alright? Fred's eating one right now. He's crunching in the camera. Alright, y'all. So, I'm just going to give this a little a little mix kind of. Actually, I'm just going to pretend like I'm mixing it and just push everything down with my tongs. That's what I do. Just like that. Alright, y'all. Last step here, of course, little bit of green onion and we going to set this on low. Oh, actually on high. We're going to cook it for about three hours and then, we have one more step for the last 30 minutes. I'm so excited. Y'all are going to love this quick, easy dinner. Alright, y'all. Look at little baby Kevin. He's so cute y'all. I just love him so much. Y'all know that. I mean y'all have to know that. But look at this baby. God I love him. Baby I just love you so much. You know that? You're my little angel baby. Look his paws resting on my arm. I love you baby. Okay. Keep Kevin in the kitchen. I'm going to say that every day. Well I mean he is going to stay in the kitchen because I'm going to keep putting him here. That's it. Anyways. Um so y'all this was the chicken french onion green bean dinner I made. So remember y'all can just chicken with the french onion soup and the dried french onion but I added some green beans this time. Uh y'all can do whatever you want. If y'all want to do broccoli, you can and we also put some onions in here. So, remember I used three chicken breast and I just broke em up into pieces. So, I'm just going to serve myself some of this. Get some of the onions, some of the green beans. Um yeah, if y'all want to have like a low-carb dinner, y'all can just eat it like this. You could serve it over rice or I don't know, pasta if you want to guess. Give me some of juice. Alright y'all. So I'm going to move this to the side. Now, obviously y'all, this is going to be so hot. It's still steaming. I'm going to cut this. Oh, this chicken's cooked perfectly y'all. It I love when it just is like fork. It just falls apart with your fork. Um okay. So, I'm just going to have a bite of the chicken because everything else is going to be so hot and I don't want to burn my mouth. I ain't going to lie y'all but it's going to be good. Okay, chicken. It's so tender. It's just coming off my fork. Mm wait hold on I'm going to eat a green bean. Why not?