EDU - Google Glass

Google Glass and Glass in Education
39 Pins
Google preparing to update Glass from Android 4.0.3 to 4.4 -
Google preparing to update Glass from Android 4.0.3 to 4.4
Google Glass is Coming. Are We Ready?
Google Glass is Coming. Are We Ready? | COETAILing in Bulgaria
Ten months through Google Glass: Exploring our wearable future -
Ten months through Google Glass: Exploring our wearable future | Android |
Virgin Atlantic kicks off its Google Glass experiment -
Virgin Atlantic kicks off its Google Glass experiment | Android |
Cybraryman Internet Catalogue
Google Glass - Wearable Technology
Google Glass in Class
Cengage Learning - Learning solutions, training and educational publishing - Overview
Google Glass and the Future of Education
Pando: Democratizing career progression
How one teacher is using Google Glass to change her classroom
How Google Glass Can Be Used in Education
How Google Glass Can Be Used in Education | Google Glass News | Glass Apps Source
30 Ways Google Glass Can Innovate the Classroom
30 Ways Google Glass Can Innovate the Classroom [INFOGRAPHIC]
Does it make you feel safer to know the NYPD will have Google Glass?
Does it make you feel safer to know the NYPD will have Google Glass?
Explore Integrations - IFTTT
iPhone SMS with Glass