NGSS Lessons and Activities

activities, lessons, NGSS, lesson plans, middle school, projects, experiments, notes, states of matter, chemistry, Chemical Reactions, physics, forces and motion, astronomy, natural selection, energy
106 Pins
Distance Learning NGSS LS4.A MS-LS4-3 Comparative Embryology Card Sort CER Google Ready
NGSS LS4.A LS4.B LS4.C Online Distance Learning Google Ready Evolution Growing Bundle
Distance Learning MS-LS4-1 Fossil Layers Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity Lab and Activity
Distance Learning MS-PS4-1 MS-PS4-2 MS-PS4-3 Waves Virtual Card Sort and Vocabulary Chart
NGSS LS4.A Evidence of Common Ancestry & Diversity Worksheet Google Ready Distance Learning Online
NGSS Claim Evidence Reasoning (CER) Growing Bundle Distance Learning Google Ready
PS2.A PS2.B Forces and Motion Newton's 1st Law Activity Digital
Integrated NGSS Complete Year
This growing bundle is currently a COMPLETE STAND-ALONE YEAR for Integrated NGSS Physics, Energy, Engineering, Waves, Astronomy, Earth’s History and Evolution. This bundle was created based on the NGSS sequence of standards and can be taught in any 6th grade through high school classroom.
Middle School NGSS Pretest and Reflection
NGSS Pretest and Reflection for Middle School Science grades 6, 7 and 8. Perfect for the first days of school