
101 Pins
Who said my ladies with Locs can’t be versatile?! They lied 🤗🤗 Let’s get into these Large Knotless over Starter Locs 😍😍😍😍 #northhoustonhairstylist #houstonhairstylist #houstonknotlessbraids #reels #protectivestyles #explore #houstonbraider #knotlessbraidshouston #neatbraids #knotlessbraids #locs #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #womenwithlocs #houstonloctician #htxbraids #locstyle #braidsoverlocs #cypressbraider #springhairstylist
One of my loc baddies posed the question: Gala style? Why yes boo! You need a hair band (cut a hair bow) and put in a side pony. 1 hair tie… | Instagram
50 Fresh Dreadlock Hairstyles for Stylish Women - Hair Adviser
Fun Dreadlocks Ponytail and Side Twist