DIY soap/lotion

117 Pins
Red Clover Salve Recipe – Plus Many Benefits for the Skin
This easy step by step recipe on how to make homemade salve from red clover is a great recipe which results in this beneficial salve made from nature. Red clover can provide benefits to the skin which include anti-aging properties, wound healing, alleviation of acne, improvement in circulation, and reduction in the size of pores.
DIY Lavender Citrus Candles — Always & Whatever
Dandelion Salve Recipe
Here's how to make your own dandelion salve from scratch! You only need 3 ingredients: dandelions, oil, and beeswax! It's great for achy hands and dry skin.
The Easiest DIY Organic Body Butter – Only 3 Ingredients!
Create your own DIY organic body butter with just 3 natural ingredients! This non-greasy, homemade body butter recipe is super simple, using shea butter and essential oils to deeply nourish and hydrate your skin. Perfect for an all-natural skincare routine or as a thoughtful handmade gift! #DIYBodyButter #OrganicBodyButter #NaturalSkincare #SheaButter #DIYBeauty #BodyButterRecipe
Easy Emulsified Body Butter - Humblebee & Me
If you’ve been frustrated by heavy, melt-prone body butters, this is the formulation for you. In this post I’ll be teaching you how to make an easy 7-ingredient body butter that is lighter than traditional DIY body butters, won’t melt … Continue reading →