Math math math

Algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus, differential equations... And more!
14 Pins
Sine, Cosine, Tangent diagram. For help on how to identify the adjacent, opposite, and hypotenuse. (PS: Includes formulas.)
Beauty and Mathematics
Mathematician and photographer Nikki Gaziano is a sort of natural historian or archivist of mathematical functions found in the wild. Check out her Found Functions. Mathematicians know that any shape can be expressed as the sum of sinusoids, accourding to Fourier analysis but some functions are just below the surface, requiring no more than the eye to see them. Such simplicity and beauty!
Math Craft Monday: Community Submissions (Plus How to Make an Orderly Tangle of Triangles)
Really cool math art ( triangles etc)
How to Calculate the Laplace Transform of a Function
wikiHow to Calculate the Laplace Transform of a Function -- via
Laplace Transform | Laplace Transformation
Laplace transform comes under integral transform that is used in so many areas of mathematics applications that relates to physics and engineering. Laplace transform check’s a function and if modification is require than changes in its instance. Laplace transform was first introduced by a great mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace. He can use transform in any theory but he used it in his probability theory.