Hand Embroidered Monograms

Souvenir di Siena - La libreria Piccolomini
Sofferta e combattuta, la S con i suoi fronzoli è arrivata, forse , alla fine. I colori mi hanno esaurita. Ce n'erano troppi da far ent...
Les Broderies de Marie et Cie - Mook 5 (Elisabetta ricami a mano)
Les Broderies de Marie et Cie - Mook 5
Pink Dots & a Blue Tongue - This Monogram's Done!
Embroidered E monogram with all the stitching details so you can stitch it, too!
16 Favorite Monogram Alphabets - All in One Place!
My favorite monogram alphabets, all in one place!
Pink Dots & a Blue Tongue - This Monogram's Done!
Embroidered E monogram with all the stitching details so you can stitch it, too!
Souvenir di Siena - La libreria Piccolomini
the completed monogram from Elisabetta (ricami a mano) - so gorgeous!
Ohhhhh - a beautiful bead embroidery monogram R. This is really lovely!
Lavanda e Lillà
Lovely technique for monogramming - look at those lovely French knots! They're perfect!
Monogrammed Antique Linen Pillowcases
{via Em's Heart Antique Linens -Monogrammed Antique Linen Pillowcases}
Hanky Primer #1: Antique Monogrammed Hankies
Hand embroidery monogram G